The postcard used soft, muted colors to give the card a smooth and elegant look. They chose to feature a picture of a young girl dancing on the left side to help prospects visualize their own daughter as a dancer. The headline read, Now Registering for Fall Dance Classes and they offered free registration to add a monetary incentive to the card as well.
The Situation
When Limitless Dance opened in Columbia, MD, they needed dance studio advertising ideas to announce their presence and attract students. They called PostcardMania for help marketing their dance classes.
The Solution
Our consultants suggested dance studio postcards to announce Limitless Dances grand opening. Heres what made the postcard effective:
- The photo of a young dancer lets the recipient know what is being offered right away, and the pink-and-brown color scheme projects an elegant image
- The big, bold headline gets STRAIGHT to the point
- The offer of FREE registration with a note urging recipients to hurry as classes are limited encourages prospects to call sooner rather than later
Limitless Dance was able to maximize their marketing dollars by sending their dance academy advertisement only to their ideal prospects using a targeted mailing list. They sent their postcard to 2,500 homes close to their studio with children ages 2 to 7 present.
The Results
We received 14 responses and generated $1,200-$1,400 in revenue from our postcards!
Limitless Dance generated 14 responses to their dance studio postcards with just one mailing! That translated into $1,200-$1,400 in revenue for the school further proof that direct mail postcards are an effective tool for marketing dance classes!