Marketing Articles

Corporate Universities: Where Employees Go Back to School… at Work

Many people continue their education at some point in their life, but how many of them do so while at the office? And no, I'm not talking about technical training for machinery or other job-specific tasks, but about people learning to do better at work.

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3 Online Follow Up Tools Your Small Business Needs

If you could talk to successful salespeople from all ages throughout history, I guarantee you they would all rank "follow-up" as one of the most important strategies in their sales arsenal. There are certainly other factors that are important, like clearly outlining benefits, cultivating desire, and so on. But for all of the skill and knowledge that can be gained when it comes to selling, there is a certain aspect of the process that is a numbers game. The more opportunities you give prospects to respond, the more likely you are to get a response.

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Since most leads don't close right away, this article shows you three easy ways to follow up with leads online to increase your closes without spending a bunch of extra money on follow up marketing.

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Marketing Relevance: The Difference Between Direct Mail and Junk Mail

The wrong list fails to target people who would want to buy from you - and it is costly. In fact, this is what people refer to as 'junk mail'.

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You can determine whether your postcards are perceived as direct mail marketing or junk mail, and this article tells you how to stay out of the junk mail pile.

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Mailing Lists

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Postcards Work

So you have been doing business like crazy now for the last few years. You have a pretty big database of customers and hopefully you have been getting and keeping full contact information for them.

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Mortgage Marketing

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Can You Really Make Money With Postcards? (Part 2): Finding Your Target Market

Maybe you have thought about direct mail. Maybe you have wondered whether it could work for you. Maybe you have done it, but it never really paid off.

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Since targeting quality prospect demographics directly determines whether or not your marketing produces for you, this article tells you everything you need to know to target the right ones.

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Market Research

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