Marketing Articles

Why Have a Marketing Plan? I’ll Give You Three Reasons

It may sound like a strange question on the day before Thanksgiving but it really isn't. When scheduling your promotions it is like a game of chess.

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Timing matters big time in marketing, and this article details the best mailing strategies for you to maximize the revenue you rake in from your perfectly timed postcard campaigns.

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10 Ways to Improve Your Website and Convert More Browsers into Buyers

Small businesses tend to think websites are not a high priority when it comes to spending money. Nothing could be further from the truth! A professional website can be used as a 24-hour selling tool to convert prospects into customers...

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Web design for small businesses isn't just about how your website looks, so I wrote an article to show you how to make your website productive as well as pretty.

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Internet Marketing

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Is Public Relations For Me? Zen and the Art of PR For Consultants and Small Businesses

Public relations is a very affordable and effective marketing tool available for small businesses and consultants. I can't tell you how many times I am approached by entrepreneurs who ask me, "Can I afford to do PR?" I always answer the same way: "You can't afford NOT to do PR."

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Public relations expertise is critical even for small businesses and this article explains why it is so beneficial to have.

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Public Relations

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Small Business Marketing Tip: Postcards Generate Results

A well designed, colorful, high impact postcard in the mail box of your prospect is your best ticket to a new customer. For your existing customer, a postcard marketing campaign which includes frequent mailings is the perfect start to new sales — this is one of the key small business marketing strategies.

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This article details the ways postcards beat out all other marketing tools when it comes to generating growth for a small business.

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Postcard Marketing

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Postcard Marketing: Success Is Waiting

You can generate leads, create sales, ask prospects to give you a try or convince existing customers to buy more or buy more often.

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Some small business owners worry that postcards are becoming out-dated, but this article explains why they aren't going anywhere and will continue to deliver results for small businesses.

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