22 Genius Thinking of Selling Your Home Postcards for Realtors

22 genius thinking of selling your home postcards for realtors

Hey Realtors!

Need eye-catching thinking of selling postcards you can use for your next realtor direct mail marketing campaign?

Here are 22 proven-to-work realtor postcard designs for more leads (and buyers!) —

Check them out!

1. Put YOUR picture on this thinking of selling your home postcard

The best part?

It’s easy!

You can simply mail this postcard with YOUR picture and accolades on it…

thinking of selling your home postcard

And remember:

Mail to a targeted mailing list!

You can target:

  • Incomes
  • Home values
  • By foreclosure status
  • Probate
  • Absentee home owners
  • Or even reach out to those who recently have filed for divorce or bankruptcy

Or you can target a combination of these characteristics to create a truly revenue-generating campaign!

Get 1,000 FREE mailing list records here.

2. Show a review since 85% trust them as much as word-of-mouth

You read right:

85% of consumers today trust reviews just as much as word-of-mouth recommendations!

That’s probably why we see reviews EVERYWHERE online, from Google, to Yelp, to Amazon and more!

By featuring a stellar review on YOUR thinking of selling postcards, you create instant trust in your:

  • Brand (including your professional logo if you have one!)
  • Special offer
  • And real estate expertise!
thinking of selling postcards

Need a professional logo that can stand up to big-brand competition and create recognition for your business?

You can check out PostcardMania’s logo design services here.

3. Highlight your call-to-action in a BRIGHT color

Want prospects to call you?

Of COURSE you do…

So make it EASY for them!

Use a thinking of selling your home postcard design like this one, where “CALL US” is in bright red and super easy to see!

thinking of selling of your home postcards

Plus —

If you put YOUR picture on that realtor postcard…

Your prospects will feel more comfortable about calling you because they’ll sense that they know you a little bit (from your photo!)!

Want to see examples of realtor marketing campaigns that have already worked?

Grab this:

FREE report: REAL real estate direct mail campaigns, their designs, AND results

4. Mail this thinking of selling postcard to show off your gorgeous listing

Here’s a smart realtor marketing strategy:

Show a large picture of the house you’re selling right on your postcard design!

Like this:

thinking of selling real estate postcards

LOVE that bright red FREE marketing analysis area on the bottom right!!! Can’t miss it (and that’s the point!).

FREE report: 128 special offers to make your realtor marketing generate leads & sales

5. Here’s a snazzy thinking of selling your home postcard

Live in a city where prospects appreciate modern style?

Mail them this postcard on a regular basis to create trust and familiarity with your business — above that of your competition!

thinking of selling real estate postcards


The key to generate leads (and revenue) is mailing regularly!!

In fact:

It’s the #1 thing all my successful clients do!

Read this case study from 1 realtor to see how she got her first client using postcards!

6. Use 2 special offers (in a bright color!) to grab attention

Your prospects want a deal worth calling for…

So use this realtor postcard design and plug in your offers!

thinking of selling real estate postcards


If you add Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads to your thinking of selling postcard campaign, your marketing will reach even more people in all the places (and devices) they are!

It’s called Everywhere Small Business,

and you may be surprised how how affordable this mega multi-channel marketing strategy is…

Watch the 1-minute video about it here.

7. Keep your real estate direct mail simple

Are you part of a national real estate brand?

Check out this realtor postcard design that’s ready to go!

thinking of selling your home postcards

Love the strategy of using headshots on your thinking of selling your home postcards!

The more prospects see your face, the more:

  • They’ll recognize you
  • TRUST you
  • And the more likely they’ll contact you when they’re ready!

So here’s #8…

8. Showcasing an awesome kitchen = always a good idea

Does the house you’re listing have that one show-stopping feature?

Integrate it into your thinking of selling real estate postcard to entice prospects to call you to check it out in person!

Like this design you can totally steal:

thinking of selling real estate postcards

See how the special offer makes “FREE” large?

That’s because consumers — no matter how affluent — appreciate good deals, and that includes FREE.

9. Try these 2 special offers with this design

Get creative with your special offers so you entice more and more leads (and potential buyers)!

Check out this postcard design for inspiration (or just use it!):

thinking of selling real estate postcards


Adding Google ads — and even FACEBOOK and Instagram — to your realtor direct mail campaign exponentially increases how many prospects see your:

  • Business
  • Special offers
  • Listing
  • And phone number!

Generate MORE potential buyer leads — with less effort — using Everywhere Small Business

See the 1-minute video to learn how it works here.

10. Listing at a lower %?

Show it off in a bright, eye-catching headline like with this design:

thinking of selling real estate postcards

See the bright yellow graphic in the middle?

It draws prospects eyes straight to WHY they should call you!

Here’s the next one…

11. Show cash money (as 100% of people love it!)

Want to grab prospects’ attention with your realtor marketing?

Send a thinking of selling postcard like this bold one:

thinking of selling postcards for real estate marketing


I don’t know anyone remotely considering selling their condo (or home) who wouldn’t call from this real estate postcard!

12. Pop out of the mail stack with this classy card

Love the use of bright red —

Can’t NOT see it…

Which is what you want your realtor marketing to do!!

thinking of selling postcards for real estate marketing

Here’s #13…

13. Use a fun, eye-catching design that prospects will LOVE

We can customize any of the text on this thinking of selling postcard to suit your business or market!

real estate seller leads postcards


Mailing to a quality mailing list FULL of prospects is key to a successful thinking of selling postcard campaign that gives you potential buyers!

Get 1,000 FREE records here to start!

14. Plug your details into this postcard

You can use this thinking of selling your home postcard for your next campaign without spending ANY time on design:

thinking of selling your home postcards

Want to see how many leads (and potential buyers) are in your area?

Get a FREE list count for your market here!

15. Target your city with this gorgeous design

Want to become the #1 go-to realtor in your city?

Start with this postcard design!

thinking of selling your house postcards

And if you want to really blanket your area (and prospects) with your thinking of selling marketing…

Add these to your campaign:

  • Google ads that pop up hundreds (and 1,000s) of internet websites
  • Facebook ads to show in prospects’ newsfeeds
  • And Instagram ads to reach prospects on their mobile devices

Watch this video to learn how — WITHOUT lifting a finger!

16. Use this classy asymmetrical design

You just can’t go wrong with this gorgeous design —

Especially if you mail it 6 times to a quality mailing list!

thinking of selling your house postcards

17. Show multiple photos of your listing like this

Get professional photos done of your listing and then plug them into this beautiful realtor postcard design:

thinking of selling your house real estate postcards

Here are 4 places you can find local photographers for your realtor marketing:

Here’s #18…

18. Use a BOLD can’t-miss-it headline

And combined with a headshot that jumps off the postcard…

Your prospects can’t miss your thinking of selling postcard…

Use this one:

thinking of selling your house real estate postcards


That yellow “STAY PROTECTED” special offer??

It grabs attention, making prospects more likely to read it and call YOU!

19. Here’s a simple design you can use

Just plug in your photo and listing image, and you’re ready to mail!

thinking of selling real estate postcard

20. Highlight your FREE competitive marketing analysis offer

Position you and your team as the local experts, offering a FREE competitive marketing analysis —

Like in this thinking of selling postcard:

thinking of selling real estate postcard

Want to see realtors who’ve already grown their businesses using postcards?

See our case studies here!

21. Use a headline that bluntly says “Thinking of selling your home?”

The blue and yellow on this design — plus, that lovely review! — will attract prospects to call you!

Use this one here:

thinking of selling postcard for real estate

You can also use a special landing page to collect leads who visit your website URL from your postcard…


Landing pages are VERY affordable to add to your real estate direct mail campaign!

See PostcardMania’s landing page services here.

Here’s the last one…

22. Show your special offers are money-saving coupons

Everybody L-O-V-E-S saving money, so why not frame your special offers as coupons on your thinking of selling your home postcard?

Check out this example:

thinking of selling postcards for realtor marketing

When your prospects receive this thinking of selling postcard in the mail, they’ll immediately KNOW they can save money by contacting you!

So there you have it!

22 ready-to-go thinking of selling your home postcards to catapult your real estate direct mail campaign!

Have questions about mailing lists?

Customizing any of these designs for your business?

Everywhere Small Business?

Just call one of my marketing experts at 800-628-1804 — they’re trained to help you sort through all of your options EASILY and with your budget in mind!

Plus — their advice is 100% FREE!



FREE DOWNLOAD: Real Real Estate Marketing Campaigns and Their Results



  • Hello, my name is Perry A. Caruso Re/Max 1st Choice 980 Reservoir Avenue Cranston RI 02910. I am very interested in creating a classy Thinking of Selling Jumbo postcard, I have been selling Real Estate for 34 years full time in my area, Most people in my area know me so I would like it to be clean,neat to the point and my photo and logo on the front, I would also like to ask to read my reviews on my website perrysold.com, If you have any suggestions in new marketing ideas I am open to try them, You can call me at 401-741-6959, I am his marketing coordinator. Mona Thank You! PS I also like appealing to women so something beautiful on the front so it may have some shelf life, example latest trends in kitchen ideas etc.

    • Hi Mona, thank you for your comment! I see you were connected with your marketing consultant, Hannah, to work out the details of your campaign. We look forward to working with you! 🙂

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