The Situation

Deann Wylie is a real estate listing broker in Calistoga, CA. With 12 years of experience in this industry, Deann knows how important direct mail marketing is when it comes to real estate, and how much it helps in building a strong client base. Deann wanted to bring in more clients and focus on the right target market. She contacted PostcardMania to help her figure it all out.

The Solution

To start off, Deann worked with a PostcardMania marketing consultant to come up with a design that would catch the eye. Here are a couple key elements of her postcard:

  • Clear Bold Headline (Its clear who the information is meant for, and you dont waste a second wondering what the message is about)
  • Relevant Images (Having a picture of Deann lets you see who youre dealing with and gives you something to remember her by)
  • Benefits! (Giving away something for free like a free home value report gets the phone ringing)

Once the design was done, it was time for the mailing. Deann wanted to be very specific with her mailing, so she provided a list of 2,000 records of single family homes aged 15-55 years, on standard size lots, with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. So far, weve mailed to this list 3 times.

The Results

I have had just one new client so far, but with post cards in the Real Estate business, you have to send them out at regular intervals before you start seeing more results. People need to feel that you are stable and focused in their areas. If they just get a card once every 6 months then they tend to forget you. Its important to send them out about every two months in season. I will be sending mine out in March, May, June, August. Then again in slow season in Oct, Jan. The potential for just one listing is about $10,000 in my locations.

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