6 Genius Real Estate Agent Introduction Postcards Realtors Should Try

6 genius real estate agent introduction postcards realtors should try

Hey Realtors!

Want to introduce yourself and your business to qualified prospects FAST?

Mail real estate agent introduction postcards!

It’s EASY — and you can use any of these 6 gorgeous designs!

1. Strike and post — and pitch your greatest asset

I’m talking about generating TRUST in your services!

Look at this new agent announcement postcard — YOUR face could be on it!

realtor marketing new agent announcement postcard

You can put your professional real estate marketing logo at the bottom of this postcard to prove you’re legit!

Don’t have one?

You can use PostcardMania’s logo design services here.

Here’s the next one:

2. Use a bold headline like this realtor postcard design

A bright BOLD headline catches prospects’ attention as soon as they check the mail!

Use this real estate agent introduction postcard — and plug in YOUR photo:

realtor marketing real estate agent introduction postcard

One of my favorite real estate direct mail tips:

Use a call tracking number on your realtor postcards!!

They’re EXTREMELY affordable, and you can track exactly how many calls your postcards generate!


And here’s #3:

3. Give 90% of consumers what they want — reviews!

Consumers today rely on reviews to make purchasing decisions, particularly when they’re considering a brand new business — or real estate agent!

Not surprisingly…

90% of consumers will seek out reviews before considering a business —

Which is just 10% shy of ALL people.

So what does this mean for your real estate agent introduction postcards??

You can put reviews RIGHT on your postcard design —

Like this:

real estate agent introduction postcard

When you pair a stellar review with a picture of YOU on your real estate agent introduction postcard…

Prospects are sure to notice AND turn the postcard over for more information!

4. Show photos of your listings

You can pair a professional picture with multiple photos of your listings to SHOW prospects what you’re selling!

Check out this new realtor announcement card for example:

new realtor announcement card

The key to a real estate direct mail campaign that generates 185 leads?

Mail your new realtor announcement cards to a targeted mailing list that guarantees at least 90% deliverability of your marketing!

In fact:

You can get 1,000 FREE mailing list records here.

5. Use a contrasting BRIGHT color where it counts

I’m talking about where your CONTACT info is!

Highlighting the phone # prospects should call will help them do so!

Check out this new agent announcement postcard:

new agent announcement postcard

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FREE report: See REAL real estate marketing campaigns and their proven results!

6. Snatch prospects’ attention with this aesthetic photo mosaic

Your prospects can’t NOT see this gorgeous new agent announcement postcard —

And you can simply USE it with your photo!

new agent announcement postcard


Your realtor direct mail campaign is only as good as the people you mail it to —

AKA… your mailing list!

Don’t skimp on it!

And make sure no matter what —

You mail your new agent announcement postcards at least 3 times to your mailing list to help generate the best response (and ROI) possible!

Another idea:

Easily add Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads to your postcard campaign to spread your new agent message literally everywhere your prospects spend their time!

Called Everywhere Small Business…

You can watch a video about it here and learn how to effortlessly blast your entire area with YOUR new realtor marketing —

And dominate your competition in the process!

Ready to start your real estate agent introduction postcard campaign to grow your business right out of the gate??

Contact one of my marketing consultants at 800-628-1804 — they can answer any questions you have about growing your real estate business! And their advice and help is 100% FREE!



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