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13 Awesome “We Buy Houses” Postcards For Real Estate Investor Marketing

13 awesome we buy houses postcards for real estate investor marketing

You as a real estate professional must know that consistent, qualified leads = sales, revenue, and growth for your business.

So… how do you reach sellers RIGHT when they need you most??

By mailing real estate postcards to a targeted mailing list FULL of the most motivated sellers!

Any of these 13 we buy houses postcard templates will work, so check them out!

Did I mention you can use them?

Here they are!

1. Reach your prospects quickly with a blunt message

No need to beat around the bush…

When you buy a targeted mailing list full of homeowners drowning in underwater mortgages, just offer them what they want:

Cold hard cash!

Like this example:

real estate investor postcards

Anyone who receives this real estate investor postcard will know immediately:

  • Getting cash for their house is a strong possibility
  • You’re willing to buy it!
  • And there’s NO obligation just to find out $$ for how much $$

In other words:



The professional design shows prospects you’re a professional, legit business owner… so again:

No risks!

Now here’s the next one…

2. Show them the money!

I’ll be showing several real estate direct mail designs that boast cash moola, but nothing says MONEY quite like…


real estate investor postcards

Using a CASH graphic on marketing for realtors or real estate investor marketing implies that getting money for their house is a reality.

This we buy houses postcard can easily be customized to your business, too — no need to reinvent the wheel!

Check out #3:

3. Use puppy love (and a local real estate photo)

This cute real estate postcard design cannot be resisted!

real estate postcards

If you need your own professional logo (TOTALLY recommended to appear super professional!), PostcardMania offers affordable real estate marketing logos, too.

4. Pitch a partnership with creative real estate marketing

Maybe you’re in commercial or multi-unit real estate:

realtor postcards

Real estate marketing campaigns can be directed at the precise people you want to partner with…

The realtor marketing “magic” is in the mailing list — get 1,000 records FREE here!

5. Mail yellow letter postcards to generate $40,000 in revenue

Use this bold yellow letter postcard to grab your prospects’ attention:

real estate investor postcards

When one of our clients used this same real estate investor postcard strategy, they received:

  • 54 prospect calls
  • 4 deals closed right off the bat
  • And $40,000 in revenue — from ONE campaign

Read their full case study here — and see who (and how) they targeted their postcards!

6. Give a killer special offer to generate a 350% return on investment

Marketing for realtors — and investors alike — needs to consistently generate ENOUGH leads.

One way to pull in leads FAST…

Give prospects a special offer to sweeten the deal!

Like with this we buy houses postcard — see the $250 gift card offer in yellow:

real estate investor postcards

Need some ideas for special offers for your realtor marketing?

FREE report: 128 special offers already PROVEN to generate loads of leads!

In fact:

One of our realtor clients mailed targeted real estate postcards and generated a 350% return on investment — they even personalized their postcard, too!

7. Save distressed homeowners (and bonus $25,000 in revenue)

One way to get your real estate investor marketing to pop out of the mail stack…

Use colors like these:

real estate investor postcards


We buy houses postcards aren’t supposed to be some art project —

They simply need to generate leads AND revenue no matter what!

Take this case study, for example:

This Memphis real estate company focused on mailing we buy houses postcards to distressed homeowners (much like that yellow one above).

Their design wasn’t a Monet, but check out their RESULTS:

After only 2 mailings, they generated $25,000 in revenuea 1,677% return on investment!

And they still had more postcards left to mail!

Bottom line:

When your we buy houses postcards grow your business, that means they’ve WORKED!

Here’s #8…

8. Use YELLOW on your real estate investor postcards

As you can see…

Yellow grabs attention!!

real estate investor postcards

That’s exactly what you want your real estate investor marketing to do —

Grab prospects’ attention so they can’t NOT see you!

Which means:

They’ll remember you when they need you!

9. Use this easy-to-customize postcard and attract 237 leads

This gorgeous real estate postcard can easily be customized to your business!

real estate investor postcards

If you use real estate direct mail to offer $$$ on any property (with any condition), you’re liable to receive a LOT of interested leads!

Like this California real estate investor, who received a whopping 237 leads from ONE campaign!

And you can just put your business’s name on that postcard!

Or you can use #10:

10. Plug your logo into this real estate investor postcard and mail it!

real estate investor postcards

Imagine if you mailed 5,000 or 10,000 of these every month to a mailing list of people who:

  • Owned pre-foreclosures
  • Recently got divorced
  • Recently experienced a loss of a family member
  • Are elderly and want to move to an assisted living community!

Mailing postcards consistently to thousands of people in your area WILL generate interest, leads, and revenue for your business.

In fact, you can see how your competitors’ businesses have grown from mailing postcards!

11. List out why someone needs your help

Use this we buy houses postcard to show prospects why selling may be the best option for them:

direct mail for realtors

Love that bold yellow “CALL NOW”!

Can’t miss that — and that’s the point!

Make it EASY for prospects to contact you…

Use a bright, non-matching color for your “call-to-action” phrase AND phone number!

12. Show a 5-star review to create credibility instantly!

Not only does an image of a person looking directly at your prospect create a human connection with your real estate marketing…

But so does that 5-star review in the upper right-hand corner:

real estate investor postcard templates

We live in a Google world, so we consumers have been trained to realize that golden stars = ratings and reviews!

That’s why using a golden-star graphic on your we buy houses postcard draws prospects in to read your postcard…

Google has us ALL looking for these golden stars, wanting to read reviews!  

Reviews are SO important, I wrote an entire article just on how to generate more Google reviews (and WHY) for your business.

If you use that we buy houses postcard design, you can plug in your own review to create credibility for your business as soon as prospects grab your postcard!

13. Give a reward for referrals with $500 CASH

Any prospect who receives this we buy houses postcard will notice the sweet $500 cash offer…

And start LOOKING for referrals to give you!

real estate investor marketing ideas

Probably the best way to run a real estate marketing campaign today is by leveraging Google and social media to reach your prospects whenever they spend their time.

We call it Everywhere Small Business.

With Everywhere Small Business, your real estate marketing can be seen with:

  • Postcards designed and delivered straight to your prospects’ homes
  • Google ads that show up on thousands of popular internet websites
  • Facebook AND Instagram ads, making social media YOUR advertising platform too

We design, run, AND track every element of your Everywhere Small Business marketing.


Your campaign’s calls, clicks, and leads are accessible 24/7 from your own online portal.

Everywhere Small Business effortlessly (meaning, you don’t lift a finger!) puts your business everywhere it needs to be:

Right where your prospects already spend their time.

If you have any questions about running a lead-generating marketing campaign for your real estate business, please give any one of my marketing experts a call at 800-628-1804. Their advice is 100% FREE!



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