Medical Services Postcards

ID: HLH-1009
ID: HLH-1008
ID: HLH-1000
ID: HLH-1001
ID: HLH-1002
ID: HLH-1003
Healthcare Postcard Design
ID: HLH-1004
Sleep Apnea Postcard Design
ID: HLH-1005
Urgent Care Postcard Design
ID: HLH-1006
Senior Home Care Design
ID: HLH-1007

Proven Marketing for Medical Service and Healthcare Providers

We have worked with hundreds of medical services and healthcare providers, hospitals and doctors, and we have tracked the data from all of those campaigns. Above you’ll find examples of the cards our actual clients have used with spectacular results. You can use any sample design you see for your own practice and customize it with your logo. Or, if you prefer, we can design you a brand new card from scratch. Simply use the arrows to scroll through the gallery, and don’t forget to further your marketing education with the amazing resources at the bottom of the page!

Postcardmania Healthcare Customer Reviews

The response so far has been good. ROI definitely warrants the investment.

I actually have a relationship with another promotional company who is supposed to be helping with this same ad campaign. I've heard nothing from them in over a week (even though there is a hard deadline) and yet, PostcardMania has taken me on as a new customer, created a campaign from scratch, and sent it to print (and likely mailing) in the same time period! Looks like I'll be changing companies...

This looks great so please thank everyone who worked on this!!

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Call or Text a Marketing Consultant 1-800-628-1804