Martial Arts Case Studies

View tried-and-true martial arts marketing solutions with these real case studies from business owners just like you! See mailing lists, designs, frequency of mailings, including the exact martial arts postcards used! Plus, each case study features easy-to-copy martial arts marketing tactics you can use for more new students all year long!

Successful Martial Arts Postcard Campaign
They expect to make $40,000 from the 2 new students they brought in!
Successful Martial Arts Postcard Campaign
This martial arts center generated approximately $105,000 from one campaign!
Successful Martial Arts Postcard Campaign
The new students who came in off of their postcard mailings will generate $2,100 per month for Super Kicks!
Successful Martial Arts Postcard Campaign
Keeping a database of your customers and leads gives you a great mailing list to use for postcard marketing.
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