Dental Lab Website Design Analysis — Bridgeport, CT 06604

As always, these small business website design analyses are here so you can see examples of website designs that incorporate all of the 5 essentials of business website design. I’m your host Shannon Johnson (PostcardMania’s Web Design Specialist), and my next analysis comes from the dental industry. The business is Bonvini Dental Laboratories, Inc. They are located in Bridgeport, CT.

See the site in action:


When you think of a dental lab, or any laboratory really, you think of a clean, sterile environment with shiny high-tech equipment. This site captures that ambiance with its visual design choices. The company went with a stark white background and a couple different shades of blue for accents. This gives the site that clean and precise atmosphere, and that reinforces the company’s brand as a top-notch dental lab.

dental lab website design


Here are my 3 favorite marketing strategies on this site…

1) Contact Form on All Pages – Contact forms are essential if you want to generate leads from your business website. Keeping their contact form on every page gives them constant opportunities to turn site visitors into leads and clients.

2) Bullet Points for Efficient Communication – Bullet points make it easy to breakdown what you are offering, so prospective clients can understand it just by skimming the page. That’s what most Internet browsers are doing anyway, so it’s very smart to make your marketing copy as “skim-friendly” as possible.

3) Phone Number Featured at the Top – Contact forms aren’t the only way to generate leads. There is also the good ol’ fashioned phone call. Keeping their phone number at the top of their webpages means there website visitors can find it and call as soon as they read something that interests them.

dental lab website design

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO is the practice of optimizing the copy on your website so that search engines can understand what your website is about and how they should rank it for particular keywords. This website is optimized for keywords like “dental lab” and “dental laboratory”. Because they used these keywords, Dentists searching on Google to find a new lab for their restorations will be able to find their company and check out their website.

dental lab website design


There isn’t a lot of copy needed for a dental lab. Dentists already know what dental labs do. They just want to see what advantages each lab has over their other choices. Bonvini uses bullet points to list out their marketing benefits to make their lab the obvious choice for their prospective clients, which is a very effective strategy.


The programming on this site is solid, if unspectacular. You don’t want a dental lab website to be too flashy. This is a simple site, but everything worked great and it had some cool features like an embedded map on the Contact Us page.

Does your site have all 5 of the small business web design essentials? Find out by downloading our Ultimate Small Business Web Design Checklist.



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