Just one mouse click can bring the Community Learning Center (CLC) of Tampa Bay closer to a $10,000 prize. A couple more clicks can bring them a lot closer. The reason is because they are the charity of choice for marketing giant PostcardMania as they compete in the Tampa Bay Business Journals Social Madness contest, sponsored by Capital One Spark Business.
As the lackluster economic recovery continues, PostcardMania, a marketing company based in Clearwater, FL, helps non-profits gets back on their feet or even off the ground. In 2011, they gave away 205,500 printed marketing pieces to non-profit organizations.
The name PostcardMania might cause you to think that this marketing company is a one-trick pony, but that couldnt be further from the truth. While postcard marketing is where it all began, PostcardMania is now receiving awards for their work with email marketing and websites.
PostcardMania has been awarded the 2011 AVA Platinum Award in the Small Business Website category. The Platinum Award is the highest honor given by the American Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP) during their annual AVA awards.
PostcardMania, a direct mail marketing company in Clearwater, FL, is revealing a new marketing system for restaurants may benefit restaurants even more than a feature on Groupon.