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That’s it! You have the tools you need to implement (and maintain!) a successful postcard campaign. Enjoy a few moments of self-congratulatory high-fives.

Alright, now get to work growing your business!

Here are some refreshers to guide your way.

  1. Target Your Market

Remember, your marketing will produce the best results for the lowest cost when you target prospects who are already interested in what you offer. Who needs your product or service? Targeting answers this question effectively and factually. So always define your market first!

  1. Create a “Unique Selling Proposition” for Your Business

A Unique Selling Proposition, or USP, is a statement of what is different about your company and its products. Your USP quickly and succinctly gives people the reason they should do business with you. It amplifies the benefit of doing business with you and your company. Create your own USP and put it on all your promotional materials, invoices, shipping labels, etc. Use it to communicate the benefit of doing business with you and why you are better than any of your competitors.

  1. Create and Maintain a Database of Prospect and Customer Information

Remember, most people who receive a postcard from you won’t contact you the first time they receive one. But once they do contact you, you must create and maintain a database which allows you to follow up with them until they close. Fifty percent or more of sales come as a result of following up with people who were previously contacted, but didn’t buy right away.

  1. Always Include a Call to Action and an Offer

Make sure you ask your prospects and customers to DO something when they receive your postcard. By offering them something you know they are likely to want and giving them a smooth path to respond, you are making it easy and desirable for them to respond. You have to TELL THEM WHAT TO DO. “Call NOW” or “Visit our website TODAY” are a couple of examples of a call to action.

  1. Commit to Consistent Communication Across Several Channels

I said it before — postcards are your differentiator. They set you apart from your competition (who are, mostly likely, only advertising online) by making a more meaningful and lasting impression on your target market. That said, postcards alone are not going to be as effective as postcards plus coordinated digital ads, plus follow up, plus doing all of that consistently.

  1. Take Away the Fear of Loss

People don’t want to be fooled, plain and simple. They have been disappointed too many times by being sold one thing and getting another. A guarantee or warranty is a good way to reduce or eliminate the customers’ risk of getting something other than what they bargained for. Guarantees and warranties increase response and sales by reducing customer risk. Another way to reduce fear is to increase the trust and credibility people feel for your business. You can do this by adding photos of you or your team or business to your marketing materials and website, and by communicating with your target market consistently, which shows longevity and legitimacy.

  1. Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up

Getting new customers is more expensive than selling to existing ones. By regularly following up with your customers and prospects, you can expand your business efficiently and easily. When I say “older leads,” I mean anything not from the current day — that’s right — yesterday’s leads.

Let me reiterate this. This prospect was interested enough to call. Providing your receptionist was friendly and inviting, you’ve now got a really good lead there. That lead is more likely to call you again. Your repeat mailings, emails and online ads gain you credibility, but the right offer will bring the dough.

  1. Test Your Postcard Promotions

Track the effectiveness of your postcard mailings. How many people responded to your mailing? What dollar amount of sales resulted from those responses? Keep a spreadsheet on this. Monitor it. Tally it and utilize the results to tweak your campaign.


Don’t forget to go to Chapter 21: How Much to Mail to figure out where to start your mailing and how much you need to make to turn a profit!

Postcard Marketing in an Online World

By Joy Gendusa, Founder/CEO PostcardMania

Postcard Marketing in an Online World Book

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