PostcardMania In the News

Joy on Biz Growth Live

Social media is one of the hottest new marketing channels to emerge in the last decade, but it’s not the be-all, end-all of promotion. In this radio interview, Joy discusses how to use a hybrid approach of direct mail and social media to increase response and conversion rates.

Joy Gendusa revisits “Daytime”

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Joy revisits Daytime to share more insights on how to grow a small business from the ground up, including tips on promotion, hiring, and delegation.

Head of the Class

Head of the Class

At the headquarters of Postcard Mania, a Clearwater, Fla.-based direct mail marketing company, classes are always in session. A few times a week, employees become students for a couple of hours in a conference room turned classroom otherwise known as PCMU (Postcard Mania University). Employees study everything from the basics of marketing and management to nuances of sales and customer service.

's "Your Business"

‘s “Your Business”

Growth Amid Gloom

I feel like we’ll be the last postcard marketing company standing, [Joy Gendusa] said.

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

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Tips from the Trenches

To send the St. Petersburg Times your business tips, contact them at, and put in the subject line “Tips from the Trenches.”

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