PostcardMania In the News

Direct Mail Success for Cleaning Industry

Joy Gendusa talks Direct Mail Success for Cleaning Industry with Association of Residential Cleaning Services International.

Joy helps a panel of experts critique the reputation of the Yoshi Blade

Joy helps a panel of experts critique the reputation of the Yoshi Blade

Joy Gendusa, PostcardMania CEO, founder and direct-mail marketing maven, recently learned that she is amongst the Top 50 Entrepreneurs when Business Leader Media announced its first annual awards. Gendusa focuses on her passion to educate business owners in effective ways to grow and expand their companies through various marketing techniques.

Joy is the guest of the Wareheim Empowerment Hour on Tampa Bay’s WHNZ 1250

Joy Gendusa talks Direct Mail Success for Cleaning Industry with Association of Residential Cleaning Services International.

Direct Mail Marketing with Joy Gendusa

Direct Mail Marketing with Joy Gendusa

Social Media expert Deepak Gupta of, interviews PostcardMania’s CEO, Joy Gendusa.

Joy on Biz Growth Live

Social media is one of the hottest new marketing channels to emerge in the last decade, but it’s not the be-all, end-all of promotion. In this radio interview, Joy discusses how to use a hybrid approach of direct mail and social media to increase response and conversion rates.

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