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6 Genius Personalized Postcards You Should Use

6 genius personalized postcards you should use

When you see your name, what do you do?


That’s because we like when things are personalized to us

And that includes marketing!

Consumers today receive endless marketing from

  • Apps
  • Emails
  • Social media
  • And of course, TV

So here are 6 examples to personalize your marketing to generate more ATTENTION, leads, and new customers!

Check them out:

1. Attract 90% of prospects with personalized postcards

That’s right:

90% of consumers today find personalized marketing appealing…


Because people like being personally communicated to, so they feel special!

You can mail this personalized postcard:

personalized postcard marketing


Mailing personalized postcards (like the one above) is EASY.

We take your mailing list and every first name of every recipient gets printed on your design…


And… it’s crazy affordable.

2. Call your prospects by name to boost response 135%

The easiest way to personalize your marketing — so it stands out from your competition — is printing your recipients’ first name on your postcards…

Like this personalized postcard template:

personalized postcard template

Anyone who receives this bold postcard will immediately see their name on it, so they’re more likely to:

  • Read your message
  • Respond
  • And ultimately, BUY from you!

Here’s #3…

3. Use a BOLD headline (with prospects’ first names) to attract attention

You can mail this personalized postcard — or customize it to YOUR business!

personalized postcard example

You don’t have to be a graphic designer to mail an eye-catching, lead-generating postcard…

You can check out PostcardMania’s postcard design services here.

4. Mail consistently to generate a 3,421% return on investment

Your prospects MUST see your marketing message repeatedly in order to remember you when they need you…

Here’s an example of how consistent marketing can grow your bottom line:

This real estate business generated a 3,421% return on investment from their postcard campaign!

personalized marketing materials

When your prospects see their first name on your personalized marketing materials, they’ll get the idea your business and services CAN really help them!


You personalized postcards can include:

  • Property addresses
  • The dates of when they last received service
  • The dates of when they need service again
  • Pet names (for vets or groomers!)
  • Or ANY data you want to feature on your personalized marketing materials!

You can watch a video here to see how personalized postcards work.

5. Welcome new movers to your neighborhood — automatically!

About 11% of the American population moves every year, and these new movers need new:

  • Dentists
  • Financial advisors
  • Mechanics
  • Schools
  • Gyms
  • Vets
  • And more!

You can mail them personalized postcards, like this one:

personalized marketing examples

Want to save time and generate more leads?

Mail personalized postcards EVERY month to new movers in your area —


You don’t have to lift a finger or even think about it!

It’s called the New In Town program, and you can watch a video about it here.

Here’s the last one…

6. Match your postcard to an irresistible special offer

Your personalized marketing materials need to have a crazy-good special offer your prospects will jump at!

Here’s an example of a dental personalized postcard:

personalized marketing example

Make sure your special offer is something your prospects both want AND will respond to, so that your personalized postcards generate:

  • Calls to your business
  • Leads you can follow up with
  • And new sales that increase your customer base and bottom line!

Need examples of special offers you can use?

FREE report: 128 special marketing offers already PROVEN to work

That’s it!

I hope these personalized postcards have inspired you!

If you have any questions about mailing postcards to promote and grow your business, call one of my marketing consultants at (800) 628-1804 —

Their advice and help is 100% FREE!



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