Personalized Postcards
Get more response with customized postcards!
Want to up your marketing game and make every recipient of your postcards say “Great Caesar’s ghost! Was this postcard printed just for me?” Or something to that general effect…
Well now you can! Personalized Postcards use Variable Data Printing (VDP) technology to customize every postcard to the specific interests of the person receiving it. There can be hundreds of potential designs in every order! Long story short: You rake in more sweet moolah from your postcards than ever before.
Personalized Postcards Overview
Postcard marketing generates great results because it targets groups of people already likely to be receptive to your offer. When the opportunity comes along to further target your message to your audience, your marketing ears should perk right up. We know ours do…
Personalized Postcards customize the elements of the postcard design based on the attributes of the recipient. Sounds nice, but what does that mean? Well, for example:
- The image on the card can be determined by the recipient’s gender
- The text can be determined by the recipient’s industry
- The offer can be determined by the recipient’s location in the sales cycle (i.e. raw prospect, stale lead, customer, etc.)
The combinations are endless! Well, almost endless.

Check out more about our design services here!