6 Genius Property Management Postcards You Can Use
Updated on July 15, 2021Want ready-to-go property management postcards to mail and GROW your business with?
Here are 6 postcard designs you can customize for your business!
1. 81% of consumers check their mail every single day
Yup — according to a USPS Household Diary Study, 81% of Americans check their mail every single day.
So why not mail property management postcards to them, since they’ll be LOOKING at marketing from their mailboxes anyway?
You can customize this postcard for your business:

Here’s the second one:
2. Attract 70% of consumers who PREFER to receive direct mail
That’s right:
70% of consumers prefer to receive unsolicited marketing offers in the MAIL (vs. digital)…
So mailing to these consumers (your prospects) increases the likelihood that they’ll see your marketing, and favorably!
Here’s just one of many property management postcard ideas you can use:

Wondering how many prospects are in your area?
Get a FREE mailing list count here — plus, receive 1,000 records for FREE.
3. Plug your business into this property management marketing postcard
Literally save yourself design time, and just use this property management postcard template:

Remember —
81% of Americans check their mail DAILY (#1), so they’re likely to see your marketing…
Especially if you mail consistently month after month…
Which, by the way, is the #1 successful action of my most successful clients (consistency of marketing!!!).
4. Send this property management postcard to a targeted mailing list for DOUBLE the leads
By targeting whom you mail your postcards, you’ll receive at least DOUBLE the response, according to data from the DMA.
How do you know WHO to target though?
Go through your customer base and make a list of all your BEST customers…
Then tabulate the demographics of each of those awesome customers…
And you’ve got a list demographics you’ll use to create your laser-targeted mailing list!
Seriously —
The quality of your mailing list can make or break your property management postcard campaign.
So, DON’T skimp on it.

Start creating your mailing list here — plus, receive 1,000 records for FREE!
5. Integrate digital ads into your marketing to generate 608 calls
You can exponentially increase your marketing’s exposure by adding to it:
- Instagram ads
- And even mail and call tracking features
Make sure your online ads match in design to your direct mail piece —
Like this campaign from one of our clients — Real Joy:

That’s the postcard, and here is the Google ad:

Here are the Facebook and Instagram ads, of course — all matching in design!

This campaign generated this business:
- 608 prospect calls so far
- 3,677,023 ad impressions from Google, Facebook, and Instagram
- 3,256 clicks back to their website from their ads
- AND — they’ve picked up 83 properties so far (their original goal was 62!)
This synergistic online/offline marketing strategy has a name:
It’s called Everywhere Small Business, and not only does it require ZERO effort from you —
But adding Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads to your direct mail campaign costs just pennies extra per piece!
You can watch a 1-minute video about it here.
If you want a postcard design to start you off — here’s one:

Here’s #6…
6. Customize this property management postcard and mail all year long
Like I stated above…
My most successful clients run marketing campaigns as year-long growth strategies —
And they add digital advertising and tracking elements to their direct mail marketing like the case study from #5 did.
First, you start with a property management postcard, like this one:

Then you design MATCHING Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads, and run all 4 marketing elements together — at the same time.
And remember — you need to TRACK your marketing to know it works!
If you have any questions about creating a marketing campaign designed to GROW your property management business with qualified leads, call one of my marketing experts at (800) 628-1804….
They’ve been trained to help you weed through marketing confusion and just do what will generate you leads (and revenue)! And their advice is 100% FREE.
You can also, always email me at Joy.gendusa@postcardmania.com, too!