Entrepreneur Success Story ― How I Survived Collapse

Entrepreneur Success Story, Joy GendusaI think in these tough economic times, it is good to hear (and share) success stories every once in a while. So, I’ll go first, and you follow up in the comments. Sound good?

My story starts with how founding PostcardMania was a rocket ride like every entrepreneur dreams about. I started the company in 1998 and by 2008 we were doing over $40 million per year ⎯ until the bottom completely fell out…

You see, a TON of our business came from the Real Estate industry, and we all know happened to that industry in the latter part of that decade…

Complete. Devastating. Collapse.

So PostcardMania, and me as the CEO, was left with a couple options: crumble with the rest of the economy, or trust in our marketing and branch out into new industries.

Luckily, I had enough faith in our product to choose the latter. Rather than cave into the dire economic environment, we continued to mail postcards ⎯ 140,000 per week. Not only did we not stop mailing, we actually increased our outflow!

What happened?

Entrepreneur Success Story

We barely skipped a beat. Yeah, we had a hiccup in 2009, but saw 2010 as our highest in history. And 2011 was better still and we’re on target for another record breaker this year!

The kind of trust that I displayed only comes through experience. I never could have pulled the trigger if I hadn’t seen postcards work so many other times for my clients and me. That kind of trust from experience is what I want for you, too!

If you want to find out how postcards have fared in your industry, call my marketing consultants (1-800-628-1804). They can give you industry-specific data for hundreds of industries.

Was this helpful/inspirational to you? Let me hear it in the comments…


postcard marketing


  • Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Joy. I used to work as a mortgage processor and could see the writing on the wall by 2006 when so many of us were being laid off in that industry. In December 2008, I was laid off yet again from an administrative position. There was no job market to speak of at that point in time so I decided it was time to sink or swim and I started my own catering business from home. It has been a roller coaster ride and it’s been incredibly challenging, exhausting, and satisfying all at once.

    I am grateful for your good advice, tips, and guidance, especially in marketing where I’m semi-clueless. I did get to speak to one of your reps who was very informative and I’m hoping that I’ll finally be able to put your services to use in the very near future. Thank you!

  • Dear Ms. Gendusa, thanks for the uplifting story of your determination and focus on the positive. We will be working with you in launching the Native American Artists Coalition in the coming months. Your company and your leadership are an excellent model to emulate. Best wishes to you and your staff of continued success. Cruz Alderete

  • Glad to hear you are doing so well. I recently started a new business and could benefit from your services. I will contact you when I am ready.

  • Congrats on your new business, Rhoda! We look forward to working with you in the future. Remember, you can always call in and talk to one of our marketing consultants at 800-628-1804. It’s FREE, even if you don’t end up using our services!

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