Introducing: The newest tech development driving postcard recipients to your website!
Posted on November 10, 2021There’s so much competition out there vying for consumers’ attention — people’s attention spans are shorter than ever.
Even if they do see an advertisement for a product or service that could be helpful to them, they could be too busy at the moment they see to actually check out the company’s website, and the window of opportunity passes.
But we’ve just rolled out a new product to help combat this phenomenon.
All interested prospects have to do is pull out their smartphone and, voila! They’re on your website!
Check out the future of marketing here:
A QR Code is a printed barcode that sends prospects straight to your website from a smartphone camera.
The QR stands for Quick Response, and it’s a fitting name – there’s never been a faster way to get prospects to your website.
All a smartphone user has to do is pull their phone out, scan the code on the postcard, and they’re brought to whatever webpage you choose.
Plus, when you use personalized postcards, each QR code can be slightly different. This means when viewing your MyPostcardMania account, you’ll be able to see EXACTLY who scanned each barcode based on your mailing list!
Placing a QR code on a postcard is one of the most direct ways to get customers to visit your website.
This international report found that 36.40 % scan at least one QR Code a week. In addition to this, 46.81% of respondents agreed that QR codes make life easier
The latest DMA report found postcards having an average response of 9%, higher than all forms of digital. Direct mail marketing is THE most targeted form of advertising available on the market; combining this targeting with the trajectory of QR codes promises to be a massive marketing tool.
This isn’t some crazy crypto coin — I only release products after vigorous testing and that I think will truly help small business owners thrive.
Adding QR codes to any direct mail campaign is completely free with an Everywhere Small Business campaign, and very inexpensive to add to any other campaign. Check out more details here to get your futuristic campaign started!
If you upgrade your campaign with personalized postcards, each QR code will be slightly different. This means when viewing your MyPostcardMania account, you’ll be able to see EXACTLY who scanned each barcode based on your mailing list!
If you want a marketing consultant to walk you through what a QR code could do for your business, call or text 1-800-628-1804 for more information. Their advice is always free!
If you want to ask me any questions yourself, feel free to email me at