Learn from these campaigns — they generated between $10k–$36k!

learn from these campaigns

At PostcardMania we have a dedicated Results Manager who analyzes, tracks, and catalogs our clients’ successful marketing campaigns.

I created this position more than a decade ago when a bunch of other printing companies started cropping up and copying our business model (selling direct mail directly to small business owners like you).

I love this position because it’s what makes PostcardMania DIFFERENT.

It’s our unique selling point —

Our Results Manager tracks campaigns that have worked for our other 109,887 clients, then shares that data with our staff, clients and prospects so that you know what works and don’t have to re-invent the wheel and play a pricing guessing game with your marketing.


Our Results Manager emails our entire staff successes as she gathers them, and 3 crossed my inbox lately that I wanted to share with you…

Take note:

The strategies these clients used to generate more leads are VERY straight forward, so you can easily replicate them for your business.

That means you can…

Increase your leads, new customers and revenue.

Here’s the first one:

1. Utilize a good, proven offer to generate 111 calls from new prospects

Yelm Prairie Dental out of Washington came to us for a strategy to increase their monthly new patients.

Here’s the campaign we put together for this dental practice:

  • Designed a postcard with 4 special offers that have been proven to work for other practices
  • Targeted 10k residents near their practice with incomes of $50,000+
  • Helped them obtain an accurate mailing list
  • And created matching digital ads to match their postcard

Here’s their postcard design — the front:

dental postcard front

And here’s the back:

dental postcard back

Notice their 4 special offers:

  • $100 OFF Any Treatment Over $500
  • $50 OFF Family Treatment
  • $99 Exam & X-Rays
  • FREE Take-Home Whitening

Our results manager has cataloged multiple campaigns that feature each of those offers.


These offers work for this industry!

Multiple special offers work great for these industries:

  • Dental
  • HVAC
  • Plumbing
  • Home renovation
  • Automotive
  • Spa/salon
  • Landscaping

If you aren’t a dentist and want to find out which offers work for your industry, download this:

FREE report: 128 special offers already PROVEN to work

As Yelm Dental’s 56,000 postcards hit prospects’ mailboxes, they saw the following digital ads online:

  • Google ads across hundreds of internet websites
  • Facebook ads in their newsfeeds
  • And Instagram ads on mobile devices.

This was all done using our set-it-and-forget it Everywhere Small Business.

Here are their digital ad designs:

dental google addental facebook addental instagram ad

Their results included:

  • 111 prospect calls (tracked with a call tracking number)
  • 748,116 Google, Facebook, and Instagram ad views/impressions
  • 442 clicks on those digital ads straight back to Yelm Dental’s website

This is important:

Make sure your website is set up to capture leads!

Otherwise, your leads will visit your website, and those who aren’t ready to call will bounce away, and you’ll NEVER get a chance to talk to them and turn them into customers.

Talk about a WASTE of marketing money!!!

So, your website is a crazy important part of your marketing plan.

Don’t ignore it!

And grab this:

FREE report: 16 website mistakes that kill revenue (and how to fix them!!)

Here’s the next one:

2. Mail postcards monthly to generate 20 new clients for a projected $10,000 extra revenue

My client, Abbey Animal Hospital, needed to get the word out to local residents about their animal clinic and its services.

Working within their budget, and based on what has worked for others, we created this campaign:

  • We designed a 6” x 8.5” postcard
  • Ordered a mailing list of 2,000 pet owners within a certain radius surrounding their practice (switching lists every 6 months)
  • And we scheduled their direct mail campaign to hit mailboxes once per month for 6 months

We also decided to amplify their campaign with an online presence.

That means:

We added Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads to their postcard mailings to exponentially increase exposure.

Here are their designs:

vet postcard frontauto instagram ad


vet facebook ad


vet instagram ad


vet google ad

When we collected these results from Abbey Animal Hospital, they had mailed 28,000 postcards and generated these results:

  • 56 calls from new prospective clients
  • 610 clicks from their ads to their website
  • 926,000 views on their ads

All in all —

They received 20 new clients.

Important takeaway:

The quality of your mailing list can make or break your campaign.

Mail to the wrong prospects — or prospects who’ve since moved! — and you’re just throwing money away.

For Abbey Animal Hospital, they would have been throwing money away by mailing to prospects that don’t own pets.

So, start your direct mail campaign research by doing this:

Finding out how many qualified, ideal prospects are in your area!

And make sure you receive a guarantee at least 90% deliverability of your postcards from any vendor you go with!

You can receive 1,000 FREE mailing list records when you run a free list count here.

3. Market on multiple channels with ONE unified message for a projected revenue of $36,000+

University Automotive approached us for help bringing new customers in to their Sacramento, CA shop.

We helped them design and run a 4-pronged marketing campaign that included:

  • Postcards hitting residents’ mailboxes in a radius around their shop’s location
  • Google ads
  • Facebook ads
  • Instagram ads

The best part is:

ALL aspects of this campaign were coordinated, and the guys running the shop didn’t have to do any work coordinating it.

Here are their designs, which you can see all clearly match:

auto postcard

Postcard back:

auto postcard back

Facebook ad:

auto facebook ad

Instagram ad:

auto instagram ad

And Google ad:

auto google ad

Like I said:

The owners of University Automotive didn’t have to lift a finger to make this digital-infused direct mail campaign happen since they used Everywhere Small Business

Check out their results:

  • 177 calls from new, interested prospects
  • 595,000 impressions from the online ads
  • 1,523 clicks on those ads straight to their website

This shop went from 35 new customers per month to over 75 new customers the next month!

That is over DOUBLE the customers in ONE month.


They’ve continued to maintain that growth.

They are now generating 75-85 new customers every single month!

That is NEXT LEVEL. I’m so proud of this campaign!!

So, as for the money:

The revenue those new customers create for University Automotive comes to about $36,000 per month.

Not bad, right?

Are you inspired or what??

I know I am!

If you are too, then call my marketing consultants now for a full-length consultation to help you achieve results like these. My guys are highly trained and will ask you a lot of questions about your business, your competition and what you want to achieve within the next year.

Even if you never do business with me or PostcardMania, their expertise is completely free. So take advantage!!

Call this number:


They’ll show you real examples of special offers, mailing list demographics, and postcard designs you can use in your next lead generation campaign.



FREE DOWNLOAD: The Small Business Owner's Complete Marketing Checklist



  • We used you guys once and got zero response. What makes me think you can help me? We are kirbyofphoenix.com

    • Hi Don – I’m sorry to hear about your poor marketing response. There are countless factors that go into a successful marketing campaign and I want to look into yours to see what might have gone wrong so that your future campaigns yield more favorable results. However, I can’t seem to locate your account in our system with the info you provided. Could you give us a call at 800-628-1804 so we can take a more detailed look into your previous campaign?

  • Joy,
    We ran a 5000 mailing for our store closing in San Francisco.
    The ad generated only three people to respond by coming in ( no sales ).
    We moved to Daly City, about 10 miles from our San Francisco store.
    I was hoping to use post card mania for promotions in the new store, however I am concerned with
    the results from the last mailing.
    We spent our budget on that campaign.

    • Hi Lee – I understand your concern! We’ve worked with a ton of furniture stores and could definitely help you nail down an effective marketing campaign, even on a tight budget. Give my marketing consultants a call at 800-628-1804 – their advice is 100% free! They can share examples of campaigns that have worked really well for stores similar to yours.

  • I just skim read this article, and I’m looking forward to seeing how postcard marketing with PostcardMania will work. I’ve read good amount of information from your website and looked at things outside of this website about postcard marketing. Thanks for sharing these case studies.

    By the way, the first design proof we got from PostcardMania 10xed the rough draft design that I shared with them.

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