Free Small Business Marketing Reports/Whitepapers

Download any of the below marketing reports absolutely free!

Turning Web Traffic info Customers

Getting a lot of web traffic, but the sales aren’t coming? The problem is probably that you aren’t controlling what they do once they get to your site. Find out how to get more of what you want with this guide.

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The Essential Elements of a Successful Landing Page

No one said mastering Landing Pages was an easy job, and if you're a busy small business owner, you don't have time to read through the countless posts and articles to find concepts that may or may not work. Find out what works in this free report.

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10 Elements of a Great Website

10 Elements of a Great Website

Your website is arguably the most important tool for your business, especially in today’s competitive world. 95% of prospects will visit your website before they decide whether or not to do business with you. Does your current website have what it takes to convert those visitors to leads and close more sales? Find out in…

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The Easy Track-Your-Marketing Sheet

The Easy Track-Your-Marketing Sheet

If tracking your marketing leaves you feeling instantly overwhelmed — fear not, dear business owner!

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Google Analytics Setup Guide

Free Website Visitor Tracking

How would you like to know exactly which pages of your website visitors land on most frequently, which pages they stay on for the longest and which pages they LEAVE your site after visiting? It’s all possible, easy to set up, readily at your fingertips — AND it’s FREE. No pricey software to buy. Just…

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Ultimate Small Business Web Page Design Checklist

Ultimate Small Business Web Page Design

The difference between a bad web page and good one is plain to see, but the difference between a good page and a GREAT page is usually invisible to the untrained eye. In this FREE small business web page design checklist, you’ll receive the training you need to spot the difference and increase conversions across…

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Real Physical Therapy Marketing Campaigns & Their Results

Real Physical Therapy Marketing Campaigns and Their Results

Our physical therapy clients are seeing BIG results with their postcard marketing campaigns. In our Real Physical Therapy Marketing Campaigns and Their Results report, you can read the real strategies our physical therapy clients are using in their postcard marketing, and you can see the real results their marketing has brought them. It’s working for…

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Real Auto Repair Marketing Campaigns & Their Results

Real Auto Repair Marketing Campaigns and Their Results

If you are looking for a way to bring in more customers to your auto repair shop, you are in the right place. We put together our Real Auto Repair Marketing Campaigns and Their Results report so YOU can see the results that postcard marketing got for auto repair businesses like yours. Check it out…

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How to Have “The Best Mailing Ever” Checklist

You know what’s not fun? Realizing there’s a problem with your direct mail campaign AFTER you mail it. Avoid that unpleasant fate with this quick and dirty pre-mailing checklist.  Prevent potential revenue torpedoes  Make sure you’ve got the right mailing list  Put your mailing on the path to success Fill out this short form for…

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Customer Analysis Checklist

Know Thy Customers Worksheet

Targeting is rarely intuitive. The sheer volume of business owners who incorrectly identify their target market could stun an ox. But if you are intentional and correctly analyze your customer database, you’ll be ahead of the game, and on your way to greatly improved marketing results! The Know Thy Customer Worksheet shows you how to:…

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The Competition Checklist That Gets You Answers

When you keep tabs on the competition, you not only learn from their mistakes, you also capitalize on their successes. Believe me: ahead of the curve is where you want to be. And this guide helps you stay in the loop. With the Competition Research Guide, you learn how to: Get on the competition’s mailing…

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How to Get More Local Search Traffic to Your Website

Bring more local search traffic to your business’s website for FREE. This report gives you all the resources you need to make it happen and to ensure you have the entire web covered, regardless of what search engine or platform your prospects start from. With help from our Local Search Engine Optimization report, your business…

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New Caller Checklist

New Caller Checklist: 5 Steps to Dramatically Improve Your Sales Process

Always get the complete contact information from every caller with our New Caller Checklist That Every Business Should Follow. Ensure lead-capture consistency across all receptionists Never lose another call-in lead with this checklist Learn how to prep callers by asking the right questions Give salespeople the contact info they need to follow-up and CLOSE the sale…

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Marketing Budget Calculator

Be-All, End-All, Finally Get It Right Marketing Budget Calculator

Confused by the all the opinions on how to structure a marketing budget? Why not use the marketing budget calculator that is proven to turn a shoestring startup into a $22 million/year enterprise in less than a decade? (Yes, that startup was PostcardMania.) Download the Marketing Budget Calculator and learn how to: Stop wasting marketing…

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The Small Business Owner’s Complete Marketing Checklist

Whether you are a rookie marketer or a seasoned veteran, this checklist will guide you to a more productive marketing system. From email marketing to direct mail to social media, you’ll see exactly what actions you need to take to turn your business into a leader in your industry. In 92 Steps, you’ll get: Clear…

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Small Business Blogs: 3 Topics that Generate Traffic

Beginner’s Guide to Business Blogging

Starting a blog pays off — and it’s easier than you think. You just need someone to show you the ropes. Well, guess what? Here are the ropes! With this report, business blogging is in your immediate future. We cover everything from what a blog actually is to how to create content – all in…

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New Year

New Year, New Smile Postcard Marketing Campaigns

The New Year is right around the corner—which is GREAT news for dental practices looking to bring in more new patients. We’ve helped 4,167 other dental practices (and counting!), many of which have implemented these “New Year, New Smile” campaigns to great success! We’ve compiled all the need-to-know data from those winning campaigns in this…

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Pay Per Click Advertising: 5 Steps to More Effective Ads

How To Do Pay Per Click (And Not Waste Your Money)

How to Do PPC is for small businesses that want to try this PPC thing on their own, but need a little help. The report lays out 5 steps you can take to ensure you ads are ready for the spotlight (and ready to convert leads). How to Do Pay Per Click (and Not Waste…

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Pay Per Click Advertising: 12 Targeting Options Most Businesses Don't Know About

Google AdWords: Targeting Options That Get You Higher Quality Leads

The success of your Pay Per Click marketing lies in your ability to take advantage of the Google AdWords targeting options. Luckily for you, we’ve created a Free Report specifically designed to help small business owners use these targeting options to target the highest quality prospects and get the best returns possible on their marketing…

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Marketing Offers That Work

Marketing Offers That Work

Giving discounts may not sound like a logical way to raise revenue — especially if your customers seem to be happily paying your current prices. However, a well thought out marketing offer entices new customers and builds loyalty in your current customer base. And those two things add up to more overall revenue for you,…

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Learn Effective Landing Page Design and Capture More Leads

7 Tips for Effective Landing Page Design to Capture More Leads

With 80% of sales being made on the 5th-12th contact, capturing leads online is a VITAL part of your business’s overall success. But how to do it without contacting your web guy and going through all the trouble (again!) of updating your website? The answer is a landing page. And the answer to building an…

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Email Newsletter Marketing Tips

Email Newsletter Marketing Tips You Didn’t Know Could Boost Sales

Email newsletter marketing is an affordable and easy way to create consistent and repeat impressions on clients and prospects. Plus, trust factor will be through the roof! And what does that mean in the long run? You’ll be top-of-mind (and tip-of-the-dialing-finger) when they’re ready to buy. Luckily for you, email newsletter marketing is easier than…

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Effective Postcard Design for Small Business Marketing

Effective Postcard Design for Small Business Marketing

The postcard marketing experience of more than   other business owners is waiting for you, to help YOU succeed — that’s what makes PostcardMania different! And our own dedicated, full-time Results Manager of course, whose job it is to catalog ALL of the successful designs and strategies used by our other clients. And we want to share…

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Drip Email Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Automated Email Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

You’ve no doubt heard the numbers — 80% of all sales are made on the 5th-12th contact! Yet only 18% of businesses follow up that often for fear of seeming overbearing. Enter automated email marketing (sometimes called drip email marketing), a completely set-it-and-forget-it, non-pushy form of follow up that makes a significant impact on your…

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Improving Organic Search Engine Rankings for Small Businesses

How to Improve Search Engine Rankings (For FREE)

Organic search engine traffic comes from people online searching for businesses like yours — and if you aren’t ranking well organically, you’re going to miss out on all of the FREE leads that could be coming your way. The good news is that improving your organic search engine ranking is totally free — and the…

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Phone Call Follow-Up Tips for Small Business Owners

Phone Call Follow-Up Tips for Small Business Owners

Mastering Phone Call Follow-Up 5 Steps to Closing the Deal Raise your hand if you love getting phone calls from telemarketers! C’mon, don’t be shy! Oh, I see… Unless you love being interrupted and thrust violently into a sales conversation, or you are just really lonely, you probably don’t like dealing with telemarketers. And it’s…

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Using Promoted Posts on Facebook to Generate Revenue for Small Businesses

Using Promoted Posts on Facebook to Generate Revenue for Small Businesses

Facebook allows users to “promote” their posts for a small fee. This feature is a great opportunity for small businesses to incorporate into their social media marketing. Promoted posts appear at the top of your followers’ Newsfeeds, which tells them it’s an important post. When you construct these posts effectively, and choose the right content…

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Receptionist Strategies to Increase Sales

Receptionist Strategies to Increase Sales

First impressions matter, especially in marketing. Your receptionist is the one who determines your company’s first impression with new prospects who call your office. Knowing this, you can implement certain reception strategies to increase sales for your company. Your receptionist plays a critical role in both lead nurturing and lead capture, so it is CRUCIAL…

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Marketing Partnership Examples

How to Generate Leads with a Marketing Partnership You Never Saw Coming

There are businesses out there RIGHT NOW that would be willing to promote your business to their customer base, and all you have to do is ask (and be willing to do the same for them). This is a huge deal for your marketing for many reasons, the biggest of which is: it’s FREE! In…

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How to Write a Unique Selling Proposition

How to Write a Unique Selling Proposition

You’re an entrepreneur, so naturally you want to dominate your industry and shower the competition with your dust. Don’t bother denying it. It’s a natural instinct. The only way to do it is through brand differentiation (a fancy term for showing everyone you’re the best). A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is just what you need…

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effective social media marketing for small businesses

Effective Social Media Marketing For Small Businesses

Social media is everywhere. It’s an exciting new arena for communication and interaction, and that makes it a great platform for effective social media marketing. Social media really thrives as a relationship building tool. Businesses can use it to nurture leads, increase customer loyalty and build brand awareness. However, it CAN also be used to…

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16 Ways Your Website May Be Killing Revenue (And How You Can Fix It!)

16 Website Mistakes that KILL REVENUE (And How You Can Fix Them)

The world of web design is rife with silent revenue killers. These mistakes often go overlooked, even though it only takes a few minutes to plug up the leaks for good! The trick is knowing what to look for. This FREE report shows you where revenue tends to leak out of your website and how…

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joy gendusa ebook: postcard marketing in an online world

Download Joy Gendusa’s eBook Free

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or marketing manager (or hey, all three!), what you want is simple — a marketing machine that practically runs itself, snatching up the most amount of leads and new customers for the lowest cost. That’s the business dream! And I know first hand how hard it is to achieve.…

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How to Get More Good Reviews on Google

Whatever your industry, your prospects are doing their research before choosing a business — in fact, 92% of them use online reviews to help them decide. And Google reigns supreme with over 65% of all internet search traffic. In this free report, we’ll show you everything you need to know to rack up tons of…

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