Three Reasons You Need Direct Mail and Pay Per Click

Direct mail is a fantastic lead generating marketing medium. But if it’s all you use, you are leaving leads on the table. Pay per click marketing reaches an audience that direct mail doesn’t, and vice versa.

Here are three reasons why you won’t get the most out of your marketing budget unless you employ both of these marketing strategies, together…

1. Postcards are proactive. PPC is reactive.
Pay per click also known as PPC or Google Ad Words is great, and I encourage all of you to use it, but it will never be anything more than a reactive marketing strategy. What I mean is that when a prospect sees your PPC ad, it is because they searched for your products or services. This means they are a qualified prospect, but it also means that PPC will never get you any prospects that need you, but don’t know it yet.

Postcards, on the other hand, are proactive. You can reach prospects right where they are and show them they need your services with the power of your message and offer. Not only that, but a postcard is dominated by your message and your message ONLY. On Google there could be 10-15 other choices the prospect has to weigh before choosing. They may choose you, they may choose your competitor and a lot of the time they get confused and choose nothing – deciding to come back and look again later. (Have you ever done that? I know I have!)

2. Postcards raise awareness. PPC directs awareness.
A targeted postcard campaign raises awareness of your business, services and products in the community. You can’t announce anything new with PPC, because your ads need to match what the prospect is already searching for. PPC directs the prospect to what they are looking for, but it can’t enlighten them to search for it. In order to control the message and announce special discounts, etc, you need to raise awareness, not just direct it.

3. Both get customers you otherwise would have missed.
The last reason to be using both direct mail and PPC is that both mediums reach an audience that the other misses. Technically, you could mail a postcard to every house in the country, but that’s not cost effective. Better to let the searchers find you on the web and target your ideal prospects with postcards.

For all the reasons above, you need to have direct mail and PPC working in tandem with each other to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing and take your business and revenue to the next level.

For help integrating the two mediums, call your marketing consultant at 800-638-1804.

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P.S. Learn more about direct mail and PPC advertising at our upcoming Take your Business to the Next Level event in July!


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