The Most Important Part of Your Mailing (Part 1 of 3)

Are you trying to reach these people?

Are you trying to reach these people?

A direct mailing is made of up three basic parts: the design, the offer, and the most important part – the list.

It’s true, the list you choose to mail your postcards to is the key element of getting the best response. This is because the wrong list can take your response rate down to 0%.

For example, you could have a great offer for a $2 Million commercial property, which you have listed for only $1 Million – you could have designed the card with all 10 elements required for an effective postcard – and it could be a great time to make the offer – but the list that you chose was homeowners, age 18-55, with an annual household income of $50,000. Absolutely no one on your list would be qualified to take advantage of your offer, no matter how great it is. (It is true that if you send a lousy design with no offer to the perfect list, you could end up with squat, too, so I may be remiss in calling it the most important part of your mailing – I waffle on this!!)

If you have a gym that caters to serious, heavy lifters and you mail to senior citizens, again, your offer and your design won’t mean a thing.

In order to help you when it comes to lists, I’ve put together this article, in 3 parts, to show you exactly how to make the smart choices. This week we’ll look at mailing to your in-house list. The people most likely to respond to an offer are people who…


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