Targeting New Movers: Now Turnkey, Automated & More Affordable

new-mover-postcardsMarketers and small business owners alike, make a big deal out of new mover campaigns, and for good reason.

On average, new movers:

  • Spend $9000 on goods, services and financial/insurance products (2015 Epsilon New Mover Report)
  • Earn more per year, $77,000 (Epsilon)
  • Spend more in the first 6 months following a move than the average homeowner spends in 2 YEARS (Experian)

Plus, new movers consist of an ENTIRE audience of prospects that need to find various new businesses in their new area to fulfill their needs. Would you want YOUR business chosen by these folks?

If you do, you have to hit them with your marketing message.

Problem is — new mover marketing is known for being complicated and expensive.

That’s why I’m excited to talk about a just-launched new mover campaign that makes targeting new movers turnkey, automated and VERY cost effective!

If you read my blog and newsletter regularly, you know I’m not a huge proponent of “tooting my own horn” so to speak. I mainly want to educate and let you know that you can use my advice to market your business with any vendor — not just PostcardMania.

One of the things I do as a business owner is try to see how I can create a needed and wanted marketing solution for our prospects and customers. We took a look at a lot of new mover programs that we could find on the internet and realized that it’s quite expensive to do a continuous campaign.

So in this instance, I want to introduce you to our solution and of course, you decide what’s best for you!

Here’s why I’m so excited:

An easy, 100% automated new mover campaign that’s PERSONALIZED to each neighborhood and recipient has never been this affordable or this EASY for small business owners.

(At least not to my knowledge… and I’ve done my research. If you’ve found one that is, email me and let me know! My email is below.)

We’re calling this our New to Town Program, and here’s how it makes new mover marketing as easy as 1-2-3… and as affordable as $0.60 cents per piece!

1.       We design a personalized postcard for your business that welcomes new movers to the neighborhood by NAME.

Personalization helps your postcard stand out in the mailbox when prospects start shuffling through their mail.

Here’s an example of a personalized postcard:


Where you see the name “Mary,” your recipient will see their own name. For example, if mailed to me, the card above would say, “Joy, our caring dentist and staff will work with you to get the smile you’ve always wanted!”

The best part: you don’t even have to tell us who these new movers are. We compile the list and program the personalized names onto each postcard on your behalf every month.

All you have to do is…

2.       Tell us the ideal local service area for your small business.

Five miles out from your location? Ten miles out? Three miles out from this landmark and then fifteen miles out from your brother’s mother-in-law’s house?

Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. (As long as you tell us where your brother’s mother-in-law’s house is.)

We handle all of the logistics when it comes to compiling your list and getting your postcards into the right mailboxes month after month.

Which brings me to this last step:

3.       Each month, we pull a list of new movers, print your personalized postcards and then mail them — all of this is done FOR you, 100% automatically.

All you have to do is sit back and relax while your staff fields new phone calls and your website racks up more and more visitors.

(Hopefully both your website and your reception team are geared up and ready to convert these prospects into leads and customers! This new caller checklist and free website report can help.)

I’ve seen campaigns similar to ours (but not quite as “deluxe”) going for as low as $0.67 cents per piece, upwards to as much as $1.67 per piece or more — and NONE of them offer the personalization that our New to Town Program offers at $0.60 per piece.

Plus, it’s 100% turnkey and there are no contracts.

We’ll mail to a list of new movers in your service area every month (I recommend hitting them monthly for a minimum of six months), and when you want us to stop, just send us an email or give us a call and say so.

I built this program to be simple, easy and effective for YOU. And that’s exactly what it is.

Honestly, I am confident enough in this program to say that it is the best new mover campaign on the market right now, and it’s the best way to get a jump on your competition.

You DO want to snag these ultra-desirable, ready-to-spend new movers before your competition can, right? I thought so!

If you’d like to discuss pricing on a new mover postcard campaign for your small business, call one of our 25 professional marketing consultants today at 800-628-1804.

And as always, let me know what you think in the comments below! Or shoot me an email directly at





  • We can definitely help you with that. I’m going to have Kate Broughton reach out to you. She is an expert in the tax/accounting industry regarding marketing. She’s helped many Tax preparers and accountants launch very successful campaign.

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