Mailing 101: The Benefits of Saturation Mailings

If your business would benefit from targeting every household in a specific area, a saturation mailing may be just the ticket for you.

You may have heard the mailing lists for these mailings referred to as “carrier routes” or “resident/occupant” lists. The bottom line is they are lists of every address in an area, organized by each mail carrier’s route and even ordered in the sequence that the carrier walks the route.

This makes it very easy for the US Postal Service to handle and deliver the mail and because of this, they will extend postage savings onto mail-houses (like us) and then we pass on those savings to you.

To mail a 6×8” postcard (Standard Mail), your postage averages between 25.9 and 30.5 cents per piece. With a saturation mailing of the same size card (Standard Mail), the postage can be as low as 16 cents per piece. When you multiply that saving by several thousand cards in a mailing, it adds up fast!

This works great for businesses like grocery stores and pizzerias. However, if your products or services appeal to a narrower segment of the population, the money you save on postage may be negated by a low response rate. You need to take this into consideration.

If mailing to rural areas, you can consider a simplified address mailing. These mailings get the same postage rates as regular saturation mailings, but the cards won’t have a regular street address on them. They will be addressed like this:

Postal Customer

Rural Route 55

City, ST 55555

In any saturation or simplified address mailing, please keep in mind:

You cannot get the same discount if you mail First Class.  USPS only gives these special discounts for Standard Mail.  This means…

  • Your mail could take longer to be delivered
  • You won’t get the undelivered cards returned to you
  • You will be saturating everyone in an area, so narrowing down your target market may be impractical or impossible

If you think saturation mailings may work well for you, speak with one of our Sales and Marketing Consultants and they’ll get you on the right track.

Keep mailing smarter!


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