Is Your Website a Loser?

loser websiteHere’s a fact about your business that you’re going to HATE:

95% of the prospects interested in your product or service are going to visit your website before they call or stop by.

The good old days of your phone ringing off the hook with new business are officially gone. You’ve felt it, haven’t you? I know I have.

TRUTH: Your website IS your business. That perception IS reality (even if it doesn’t feel fair). So you had better make sure the impression you make is a good one if you want prospects to choose you over your competitor, who is just a click away.

Here are the five (now six, as of April 21st) elements of a good website every business MUST have…

After tweaking my own website countless times (we have about 1,578 pages on and creating hundreds of websites for our clients, I’ve concluded there are 5 essentials to every good website design…

  • MARKETING – How well your website guides prospects through the buying cycle, i.e. Is there a way to capture leads, especially on the homepage?
  • DESIGN – The aesthetics of your website and how makes a visitor immediately feel, i.e. Would someone be compelled to stay or turned off within 5 seconds of visiting your homepage?
  • SEO – Stands for Search Engine Optimization, which determines how highly Google ranks your website, i.e. Will anyone actually find your website in a search?
  • COPYWRITING – Is defined as the words on your website used to promote your product or service, i.e. Do you come across as professionals that are trustworthy? Are you using benefits to engage visitors to act?
  • PROGRAMMING – Whether or not the technical aspect of your website performs well, i.e. Do you have any broken links, images that won’t load, etc.

And since Google changed up how it ranks websites on mobile searches on April 21st, this has become one of the essentials:

  •  RESPONSIVENESS – Is your website mobile-friendly, i.e. If someone views your website on a mobile device, will it automatically change to a mobile version that provides them with a better experience?

So, is your website a winner? If so, well done!

If you’re missing one or more of the essentials above, I’m sorry to say, but your site is most likely losing you new prospects, leads and business — and you need to do something about it soon, before your competition snags all of that new business.

Shopping for a new website developer isn’t an easy task. I know because, recently, I wanted to make sure that our template website services were competitive with other web companies, so I blind shopped them to ensure they were.

(Blind shopping is basically where you call up companies pretending to be interested in their products/services to gather information on their pricing and learn more about their processes.)

Here are the results of that blind shopping survey.

I wanted to be sure that what I offer to all of you is of good quality and affordable to any and everyone with a business they want to make succeed.

I called nine different website development companies and asked for pricing on a basic, no-frills site. I found that, on average, it would cost around $4,400 to set up a website!

My point being, a new website isn’t a venture you should go into lightly. Here’s are the questions you should be asking while shopping for a website design and development company:

  • Do they offer services covering all five of the above website essentials?
  • Are contact forms included in the price or extra?
  • Will they provide email addresses using that domain? (For example,
  • Are edits included and/or unlimited to your website?
  • Will they set up your website with Google Analytics? (This is a free service offered by Google that lets you review statistics about your website, i.e. how many visits arrived, where they came from, how long they stayed, which page they left from and a plethora of other important analytics.)

And most importantly… choose someone you trust! Building a website can be a long and time consuming process, one that shouldn’t end once your site is up an running — you should be constantly improving it! But that’s a subject for another day 😉

If you have any questions about setting up a website or want us to build one for you, please call my expert marketing consultants at 1-800-628-1804.




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