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4 Funeral Home Postcard Designs You Can Use Right Now

Funeral homes might be the most challenging industry to market for. Because of this, many funeral homes forego it, relying solely on reputation and referrals to attract business.

Digital marketing can seem tone-deaf. Constantly pestering prospects with follow-up ads about a potential loved one dying might not be the best tactic.

What works better for our clients? A funeral home postcard in the mail that a prospect can see, put away, and pull out later on when the time comes for a funeral service.

Here are 4 designs you can use for your next marketing campaign.

1. Remind prospects that your service’s benefit is giving them peace of mind

What you’re marketing to prospects isn’t the services you offer, as across the industry they are all very similar, if not exactly the same.

What you need to focus on is creating your unique selling proposition. This is what makes you stand out against other funeral homes.

A good place to start is making the process as easy as possible for your clients and providing outstanding customer service.

Giving them peace of mind is a major part of this business you can’t ever forget!

2. Advertise an experience that will create cherished memories forever

There’s nothing worse in times of grief than a botched funeral home job.

This is the final send-off for loved ones, and the experience should be one that they’ll be able to remember fondly forever.

This also ensures that they leave you good online reviews – read here about how to bring in more positive Google Reviews for your business.

3. If you have access to a flower vendor, use a picture of a beautiful bouquet

Flowers is a longstanding custom for funerals across the world representing a token of respect for the deceased.

If you have a quality relationship with a florist or even have one on retainer, advertise it. It’s just one more thing that your prospect won’t have to worry about.

Being a one-stop-shop funeral service would put you ahead of all of your competition. Here are 4 easy steps to put yourself ahead of your community’s other funeral services.

4. Provide a discount to alleviate the financial burden

Funerals can be notoriously expensive. What may set your business apart from other funeral homes is offering a discount on a service.

This kind gesture to financially assist a prospect in one of the worst moments of their life could be the difference!

These 4 postcards have been used by other funeral homes to generate business, use them as you wish!

If you’re looking for some help building your campaign, check out our direct mail services.

If you have ANY questions about marketing your business, call one of my marketing experts at 800-628-1804 —

Their advice and help are 100% FREE for you to use!



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