Foreign Exchange Program Website Design Analysis — Nationwide

As always, these small business website design analyses are here so you can see examples of website designs that incorporate all of the 5 essentials of business website design. I’m your host Shannon Johnson (PostcardMania’s Web Design Specialist), and my next analysis comes from the foreign exchange program industry. The business, Family Exchange, is a nationwide company.

See the site in action:


This company made some great visual design choices for their website. They chose a nice, bright blue background that gets darker as it goes lower on the page. They also have a banner image of exchange students from all over the world. The students are standing in sort of a U formation. The combination of the color change in the background and the organization of the kids in banner image gives the site a lot of depth, which makes it very engaging visually.

foreign exchange program website design


Here a few great marketing strategies I noticed on this site…

1) Great Banner Image — I love the banner image on this site! It shows kids from all over the world. They’re all very different from one another, which communicates the idea of getting to experience different cultures. It sets the right marketing tone and helps prospects visualize what their foreign exchange student could look like.

2) Free Personality Match Form — People want to know the person they are letting into their home for an extended period of time will fit well with their family. The whole point is experiencing different cultures, but they still want to know there will be some kind of rapport between the personality of their guest and their family. This form allows them to find the right fit before they decide to go ahead with it. That’s worth filling out a contact form for most prospects, so it helps them generate leads.

3) Step-by-Step Process Outline — People like to know what they are getting into before agreeing. Showing the whole process of becoming a host family in a step-by step outline puts visitors at ease and makes them comfortable with moving forward by filling out the contact form.

foreign exchange program website design

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO is the practice of optimizing the copy on your website so that search engines can understand what your website is about and how they should rank it for particular keywords. This website is optimized for keywords like “foreign exchange program” to attract organic traffic from quality prospects who are looking to host a foreign exchange student.


The marketing copy on this site builds on the idea of adventure and new experiences. Hosting a foreign exchange student opens your family up to experiencing different cultures, while also seeing your own country through the eyes of someone who has never seen it before. It’s an exciting and enriching experience, and the copy on this site captures the essence of that experience. It makes hosting an exchange student seem like an opportunity you don’t want to miss, so it does its job well.


The programming on this website was clean and unobtrusive. There were no glitches or errors. All the design elements were positioned correctly and looked great. I’m easy to please when it comes to programming. You just don’t want it going awry and distracting prospects from the marketing message. The programming on this site was seamless. Well done!

Does your site have all 5 of the small business web design essentials? Find out by downloading our Ultimate Small Business Web Design Checklist.


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