EXCITING Announcement: PostcardMania launches direct mail retargeting tool, Website to Mailbox, after 2 long years of development

After 2 long years of testing, my team and I are FINALLY releasing a BRAND NEW marketing technology that should be an essential part of every small business’s marketing arsenal.

I rarely toot our own horn like this (even though I do think we’re the best marketers in the world for SMBs)… so I truly think this will be a game-changer for small businesses.

You know how you visit a website and then see their ads all over the place??

Well, it’s like that — but with a big twist.

So what is it?

Without further ado, I’m excited to unveil your small business’s new secret weapon, Website to Mailbox!

You can now follow up with new prospects who visit your website (and don’t convert) with a single targeted postcard.

It’s basically retargeting but with direct mail.

Like I said:

It’s like when you visit a website and leave — pretty soon you’re being followed by their ads on other websites and on social media. This is called retargeting. It’s usually digital ads only.

And I’m not hating on this tactic!

It’s actually a good way to continue to keep your business top-of-mind with prospects for a very low price. Personally, I would never send a single postcard without a coordinated digital campaign set up and ready to follow up with anyone who visits my website.

That said…

Following up with a tangible postcard in addition to digital ads is even better.

People are 49% more likely to recall your business after receiving a tangible mail piece than if they just see a digital ad.

The impression you make with a follow-up postcard is HUGE. It can be a real catalyst to sparking growth in your business.

That’s why I’m SO EXCITED to announce that this pivotal tool is now available to you!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Decide which webpages you want to target visitors from. We’ll help you with setup and by providing an already-coded tracking tag for those pages.For example, restaurants can target people who visited their menu page and exclude anyone that downloaded a coupon or offer. Retailers can follow up with anyone who added merchandise to a shopping cart but never saw a payment confirmation page, meaning they likely abandoned their purchase.
  2. Tell us who you want to target and what your budget is. Maybe you only want to send cards to people in your service area — we can do it. You can also set limits on how many postcards you send and how often, as well as if you want to re-mail to a repeat visitor. This will keep your budget manageable. We can also suppress your retargeting mailings against another list, like your existing customers, to ensure your budget is used for new customer acquisition only.
  3. Design your retargeting postcard. Tell us what you want to say and any images you want to include, and we’ll design a mail piece tailored to the visitors being targeted and supercharged with the 12-point design formula we’ve discovered from producing 99,123 businesses nationwide.
  4. Launch your campaign! Once you approve your targeting criteria and design (or designs), your campaign is live. We will immediately match visitors meeting your criteria to physical addresses and mail your postcard to them within 24 hours.

Amazing, right??

We’ve been slaving over this technology for TWO YEARS, testing over, and over, AND OVER again to get it just right — and it’s finally ready to generate results for small businesses everywhere!

While it isn’t the first of its kind of the market, it’s by far the most accurate.

We’ve seen other retargeting direct mail providers miss up to 100% of intended houses!!

That’s why this technology took so long to develop.


Literally NOTHING on the existing market came close to being good enough to put the PostcardMania name on it and offer it to you. I flat-out wouldn’t do it. No way.

So, I put my team of developers to work on creating our own solution that blows every other direct mail retargeting service out of the water.

The final product is something I’m extremely proud of and want to shout about from the rooftops.

You already spend money to drive people to your website… you may as well do ALL you can to keep them interested after they leave – maximize your budget by getting every single lead possible.

I hope you’ll take a second to learn more about it!

You can read more about Website to Mailbox and how it works here.

If you’re curious about how Website to Mailbox would work for you, call one of my marketing consultants at 800-628-1804. Remember, their marketing advice is always FREE!

You can also email me directly at joy.gendusa@postcardmania.com, and I’ll get back to you when I can.



Direct Mail Marketing Checklist


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