Car Wash Website Design Analysis — Monroe, CT

As always, these small business website design analyses are here so you can see examples of website designs that incorporate all of the 5 essentials of business website design. I’m your host Shannon Johnson (PostcardMania’s Web Design Specialist), and my next analysis comes from the car washing and detailing industry. The business, Monroe Car Wash and Detail Center, is based out of Monroe, CT.

See the site in action:


This site has a nice clean look to it. It has their company name at the top with some soap bubbles around it for their logo. It rotates pictures of shiny, freshly polished cars. It uses a blue color scheme with some nice yellow accents. It’s very bright and fresh feeling. That’s exactly the feeling the owner of a dirty, unkempt car is searching for. They are tired of their car not looking its best, so they search online for a local car wash. When they see this website, they are going to be sold; because it is showing them exactly what they are seeking. This company presents themselves as capable of getting prospects’ cars looking pristine, and giving it a fresh start.

car wash website design


Here are a few standout marketing tactics I noticed:

1) Social Media Buttons on the Homepage ― This company features their Facebook page and Twitter feed right on their homepage to build an online community with their local clients and prospects. With a local business like a car wash, getting that grassroots exposure can be really effective.

2) Featuring the Hours of Operation ― They also feature their hours of operation along with their contact number at the top of the homepage. That’s great, because a car wash isn’t necessarily a place you need to call to become a customer. Most prospects will just stop by if they like what they see on the site. That’s why it’s great to show them when they can do that.

car wash website design

3) The Blog ― A blog is such a valuable part of any business website, and this one was great. They post lots of helpful tips on car maintenance and home detailing. Offering this valuable information for free really builds trust with prospects.

car wash website design

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO is the practice of optimizing the copy on your website so that search engines can understand what your website is about and how they should rank it for particular keywords. This website is optimized for the phrases “auto detailing” and “car wash”. It is also optimized with the location as well, by mentioning Monroe, CT in strategic places on the site. The URL is absolutely ideal for SEO because it includes the two most important keywords “car wash” and “monroe.” This gives them an excellent chance to rank above other local car washes in search engines.


This business uses their copy to show their expertise. They explain a lot of the car washing process, and why you need to do specific things to get the best look for your car, and keep it clean longer. Through their copy, they prove to visitors that they have car detailing down to a science. It gives them credibility and builds trust with prospects who visit their site. They also mention in several places that the #1 reason they put so much effort into their craft is to give customers gorgeous rides they are proud to show off. This also helps to endear prospects to their company.


Programming is often tricky to spot. In fact, it’s impossible to spot if nothing is going wrong with it. This site operated perfectly, so its programming was right on. You don’t want prospects focusing on glitches on your site. You want them focusing on your marketing message, and the programming on this site facilitates that.

Does your website excel in all 5 categories? Download our Ultimate Small Business Web Design Checklist to find out how to make your website a true marketing asset for your business.


Business Website Checklist


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