Azatos Academy of Martial Arts Website Design Analysis – Schererville, IN

I don’t know about you guys, but when I look at the website for Azatos Academy of Martial Arts, I feel like I need to have “Kung Fu Fighting” playing in the background. But I digress… Azatos is the subject of this Friday’s small business website design review!

My standard website analysis rules apply: there are 5 essentials of business website design that you have to know if you want to turn online prospects into customers. I’ll describe these elements as we go through the site.

Go through the site with me:


The design of your website should immediately reflect what your product or service offers and be intuitive for first time visitors to navigate. Azatos’ design is well done and conveys what their business offers at first glance thanks to an effective banner across the top of their homepage that displays a martial arts photograph. I normally like to see contact information in the top-right corner, and Azatos put theirs at the bottom. While it’s good that they have that information on their homepage, it wouldn’t hurt to add the contact information to the top as well seeing as they have so much white space there.



Your website needs to be marketing-driven if you want to find new leads. A website that is optimized for marketing will turn visitors into leads, which you can then convert to students. Let’s take a look at the marketing techniques Azatos uses:

  1. A web form to capture prospect information – Web forms are essential to any website as they dramatically increase your likelihood of generating leads. Azatos includes a web contact form on EVERY page and encourages prospects to sign up by offering a FREE two week trial! Offers on a web form should have a high perceived value to a visitor, which makes them want to exchange their information for your offer.
  2. Good info about the instructor – “About Us” pages are website must-haves. Prospects like to see pictures of real people — especially the people they will be working with. Azatos includes an informative description of their instructor and includes two pictures of him with students. This eases prospects’ minds since most of us LIKE to see who we’ll be doing business with.
  3. Class descriptions – Azatos has a page dedicated to describing the classes they offer and even better yet, the copy is easy to read and understand—I’ll talk more on that in a minute. The other reason I love this page is that most people don’t want to call to get information. They want to be able to go directly to your website and get all the answers they need.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO is the practice of optimizing your website so that search engines can understand what your website is about and rank it for relevant keywords people might be using to search for sites like yours. The better your SEO, the higher your website ranks for certain keywords. Azatos Academy of Martial Arts targets keywords like “martial arts classes” and “martial arts for kids.”


The copy on your website should be concise and easy for prospects to understand. Azatos’ copy is written in just that way while still covering the benefits their prospective students would receive from choosing their services. As I mentioned earlier, Azatos has good copy. Why? Because they use bullet points and subheadings under their ”Class Descriptions,” section. Bullet points and subheadings make copy easier to scan and allow prospects to pick out the information they deem important.



Programming consists of all the coding that a visitor doesn’t see, but experiences when browsing the website (pages loading properly, links navigating to the correct place and pictures displayed properly). Azatos includes many picture slideshows of students throughout their website, and everything loads, rotates and displayed properly. The navigation is smooth and all the links navigate to the correct places. Great job, Azatos!

Does your site have all 5 of the small business web design essentials? Find out by downloading our Ultimate Small Business Web Design Checklist.



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