Are You Losing Out on 98% of Your Potential Revenue?
Updated on July 15, 2021A friend asked me recently:
If you could offer just ONE PIECE of marketing advice, what would it be?
And I had to think about it for a minute…
Because there are really TWO things that every single marketer needs to do.
The first one is:
Track your results.
Otherwise you might as well be throwing darts with your eyes closed!
If you don’t know what’s working — and what isn’t — you are much more likely to waste money on marketing that doesn’t perform as well as it should!
But if I really had to choose just one…
It would have to be:
Market consistently!
I know I sound like a broken record. I say it all the time!
But that’s because it’s SO important!
And yet…
It’s the thing I have the hardest time getting small business owners to understand.
I get it. It’s not what you want to hear.
More marketing = spending more money. Plus, every single one of them I’ve ever spoken to has marketed and wasted that money getting NO results. Believe me — I’ve been there too!
But also and if done correctly:
More marketing = MAKING more money…
An often-quoted statistic among sales professionals is this:
80% of sales take place on or after the fifth contact.
And only 2% take place on the first.
If you give up after mailing one postcard, you are potentially leaving 98% of sales on the table.
Who can live on 2%? Not my company!
I built PostcardMania into a $50 million company by mailing to my prospects over and over and over again.
(If you’re on our mailing list, you know this!)
Think about it from the perspective of your prospective customer.
I mean:
You’re a consumer too, right?
Do you respond to commercials and advertisements the first time you see them?
Of course not. Well maybe 2% of you said “yes”!
Why do you think you see ads for big companies — Geico or BMW or Macy’s, for example — a million times?
Because they KNOW that repetition works.
Maybe you aren’t in the market for a new insurance policy the first time you see that Geico ad. Or even the 10th time you see it…
But maybe the 20th time you see it, you are considering switching companies — and so you call them to check out their rates!
Companies like Geico weren’t always that big. They started out small, too. But they got big…
By marketing consistently!
To be fair:
I have plenty of clients who had success after mailing just one time. But it’s really not the norm, and it’s definitely not how you grow a business — especially if you sell a big-ticket product or service.
People don’t just make snap decisions to spend thousands of dollars! (Well, not most people.)
Here’s a perfect example of what I’m talking about:
This is the postcard of one of my clients, Nelson Construction & Renovations.
They do high-end home remodeling, so their customers spend tens of thousands of dollars with them.
No prospect is going to see their postcard for the first time and go, “Oh, great idea! I think I’ll remodel my kitchen — let me call these guys right away!”
You know what I mean?
They had been sending postcards off and on for a while when they came to our Small Business Owners Growth Summit, where they learned about marketing as a whole — including the importance of consistency.
So they mailed their postcard to the same 6,000 prospects three times over the course of six months.
And what happened?
They received 30 responses and generated over $1 million in revenue from that campaign!
You can check out the full case study (with video) here.
Once they saw the results of consistent marketing, there was no going back…
Now they mail every single month and they are bringing in more revenue than ever. In just the first quarter of the new year, they made more sales than they did in all of the previous year!
Are you listening?
That’s more sales in THREE MONTHS than ALL OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR.
Are you ready to get serious about marketing — and GROWING — your business? Call one of my marketing experts today at 800-628-1804 for a free, no-obligation consultation! Or you can always email me directly at
Sign up for our next Small Business Owners Growth Summit in September to learn proven marketing strategies that you can implement to grow your business! These events sell out fast, so check out the agenda and register today!
Exactly! Consistency is KEY. Thanks for reading, Linda!
Thank you Joy. I know the value of keeping basics in..and I need to keep this one in better..consistently market.