3 Changes that Could Be CPR for Your Revenue (That You Can Do in 2 Days!)

cpr for your revenue

Are you on track to grow your business to the level you want to this year? Or do you need to resuscitate your goals and targets so your sales get back on the rails?

You know what they say:

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

So unless you really want your business to stay small (and struggling), definitely DON’T keep reading…

When you compare your revenue figures from this same time last year, January to right now, are they going UP or down?

If your revenue is trending upward (no matter how much), I salute you — by all means, keep doing what you’re doing!!

But if your revenue seems like it’s staying the same (aka, flat-lining), or if it’s obviously declining…

You must PROMOTE!

Leads aren’t just going to magically show up on your doorstep. You have to go out and get them!

So I’m going to lay out 3 ways to help you be a BETTER marketer and promote your business more effectively (and effortlessly) in 2022.

FREE report: The Complete Small Business Owners Checklist to Market and GROW Your Business

Here’s how you can get your business on track to grow the way you want it to this year.

1. Escape from the day-to-day grind, take a breather, and plan how to grow your business

Sometimes to take a good look at what’s really going on in your business, you need to step outside of it.

As a business owner, you’re constantly juggling the day-to-day demands of running your business.

woman juggling 5 balls

That’s an actual photo of most of us!!

And when you’re busy managing the inner workings of your business, you can become disconnected from what’s happening with the trajectory of your business —

Meaning, how to actually grow it.

That’s why my #1 tip for you to recalibrate your business is to get AWAY from your business…

But don’t worry —

I’m only suggesting for 2 days.

Join me in sunny Clearwater, FL, for our Small Business Owners’ Growth Summit, April 6-8, 2022!

Spend 2 days at my company headquarters where — away from life’s hectic distractions — you’ll learn:

  • Tried-and-true marketing strategies you can use right away
  • ZERO confusing marketing terms or abstract concepts
  • What’s working RIGHT NOW to grow other small businesses just like yours
  • Website and other digital tweaks you NEED to capture more leads
  • How to use direct mail AND digital marketing tactics to increase your leads year-round

If you’re thinking a live marketing and business conference sounds crazy expensive, I have good news for you!

It’s just $397 for PostcardMania clients (Non-clients attend for $995). Your registration includes:

  • Two FULL days of intensive marketing training
  • Breakout sessions where you can get personalized help from our marketing experts
  • Breakfast and lunch both days
  • A sunset dinner cruise
  • Two cocktail parties
beautiful tropical beach

By the way, that’s Clearwater Beach — rated America’s #1 beach for 2019 by TripAdvisor! Just a hop and a skip away from PostcardMania, so you know!

From direct mail to social media, you’ll learn marketing tactics you can implement the minute you get back home to generate more leads and sales!

Seating is limited, so grab your seat now!

2. Generate new customers month after month with marketing on autopilot

If you want to consistently generate new leads, you have to market yourself consistently.

It’s really as simple as this:

Outflow = Inflow

PostcardMania CEO Joy Gendusa explains the importance of outflow in this video:

But as a small business owner, you’re busy enough without having to constantly manage marketing campaigns…

So I have good news!

With our set-it-and-forget-it automated direct mail programs, you don’t have to do anything but work on servicing all your new leads (and customers!).

Here’s how it works:

  • You tell us your target audience and service area
  • We design a postcard for your business
  • Every month, we pull a list of people in your chosen demographic and send them a personalized postcard (that includes their name) with your special offer
  • Those prospects come in to redeem your offer, you wow them with your service and turn them into lifelong customers!

That’s it!

Here’s an example of a personalized postcard:

effective dental postcard design

Where you see “Mary” on that postcard is where the first name of each and every prospect will get printed from your mailing list


You can mail to people with upcoming birthdays with our Automatic Monthly Birthday Mailers or to new movers in your area with our New to Town program! Both of these require ZERO effort from you —

And you can turn them off anytime you like (no set-in-stone contracts)… but why would you want to when you’re generating consistent new leads to grow your business?!

3. 4X your response with an integrated campaign (and NO extra work from you!)

Quick question:

Have you ever visited a website online and then left without buying anything? Most of us have…

Then, have you noticed seeing that business’s ads all over the internet??

That’s called retargeting (or remarketing or Google follow-up ads), and it’s crazy effective!

Just check out these statistics:

  • Retargeting can increase the response from your marketing by 400%
  • Prospects who repeatedly see your online ads are 70% more likely to take action on your website (such as, by filling in a contact form)
  • Retargeting with Facebook ads can increase your response by 70%

Here’s what I recommend:

Take your direct mail campaign and add Google (and even Facebook) ads into it.

That way your prospects will see your marketing in all the places they currently spend their time…

everywhere small business graphic

It’s called Everywhere Small Business, and I created this program to make multi-channel marketing (marketing across several different communication mediums) easy AND affordable for small business owners.


You don’t have to design, print, or mail any postcards OR fiddle with any digital ads!

It’s 100% done-for-you.

Your prospects will see your marketing:

  • At home (via direct mail)
  • On all their favorite websites using the Google network (your ads seen millions of times)
  • On Facebook where users currently spend 50 minutes per day!
  • AND on their Instagram feeds

We even track your clicks, calls, and mail delivery for you!

As one example:

One of our dental clients used Everywhere Small Business and generated these results:

  • 133 prospect calls into their office (using a call tracking feature!)
  • Online ads viewed 1,672,228 times across the internet (tracked in your own client portal)
  • And Facebook ads viewed 48,126 times (also viewable in your client portal!)


Their campaign isn’t even done yet!! The final new patient numbers (and revenue) have yet to come in.

Here is their postcard:

effective dental postcard design

Multiple special offers work great for dentists, by the way!

Here’s their Google ad:

effective dental google ad design

And here’s their Facebook ad:

effective dental facebook ad design

You can watch the Everywhere Small Business video here.

I really want to help you grow your business this year.

If you’re able to attend our Growth Summit event, I’d love to meet you, and I know you’ll get a LOT of hands-on help from my team and me!

If you have any questions, or if you want to learn more about Everywhere Small Business, call my marketing experts at 800-628-1804 to get started on anything I mentioned above. The consultation is absolutely FREE — they’re here to help you!



P.S. Learn more about the Small Business Owners’ Growth Summit and register for only $397!

FREE DOWNLOAD: 4 Ways Your Receptionist Can Increase Sales



  • for 22yrs my company (Courier company) has grown by just word of mouth, but the last 2-3yrs weve stopped growing. I have no idea how to look for companies as we are a B2B business.

    • Hey Eddie! You’re not alone – that’s definitely a problem we hear a lot. The good news is we’ve worked with tons of couriers and can help you map out a marketing plan that fits your needs! I’ll have your marketing consultant Ryan will reach out to you with some solutions that could work for you.

    • Hi Paul – Absolutely! Give our marketing consultants a call at 800-628-1804 (100% free phone consultation) and they’ll be able to show you what kind of marketing works best for B2B toner companies!

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