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Hearing Aid Website Design Analysis — Springfield, VA

As always, these small business website design analyses are here so you can see examples of website designs that incorporate all of the 5 essentials of business website design. I’m your host Joy Gendusa (CEO of PostcardMania) and my next analysis comes from the hearing aid industry. The business, Benefit Hearing, is based out of Springfield, VA.

See the site in action:

Design: The Benefit Hearing homepage nice, professional look to it. The homepage is a little heavy on elements, but they do a good job of separating the different sections into chunks, so it’s not overwhelming. It’s easy to find what you’re looking for on this site.



Here are a couple great marketing tactics present in this site…

1) Product Chart – On their product page, Benefit Hearing has a great chart that helps the user self-identify which product is best for them. This is a great way to help people align themselves with your product. And when they align themselves (rather than you pushing them towards it) they are more likely to buy.


2) Size Comparison Pics – I like that they give concrete images to help the reader understand the size of the product. It’s a nice touch that takes a little pressure off the user.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO is the practice of optimizing the copy on your website so that search engines can understand what your website is about and how they should rank it for particular keywords. Benefit Hearing includes tons of great keywords in useful formats on their FAQ and Products pages.


The copywriting on the site does a good job of getting out of the reader’s way. What I mean is that it states what needs to be stated without wasting too much time on trivial details. One suggestion I would make is to clean up the copy on the homepage, where there are a few too many separate sections of copy for the visitor to try to make sense of. Ultimately, this can lead to them abandoning the site if they don’t want to spend time figuring out what to do next.


You never want to NOTICE programming. That usually means it’s not working properly. This site’s programming didn’t give me any issues, and I liked the drop-down style of the FAQ questions.

One programming suggestion would be to remove the “*required” items on the fill-in form. Requiring fields tends to cause fewer people to fill out the form. I would suggest including only bare essential information for the info pack, and then collecting extra info with a pop-up after the form has been submitted.

Does your site have all 5 of the small business web design essentials? Find out by downloading our Ultimate Small Business Web Design Checklist.



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