B2B Marketer Adds Over 100 Facebook Fans in Hours with Costume Voting

Clearwater-based marketing firm, PostcardMania, created social media buzz that yielded measurable results when they opened voting on Facebook for their annual company-wide costume contest this Halloween.
Once again, they proved to know just what works in the world of marketing. Ferris Stith, PostcardManias Social Media Manager, excitedly reports their success: At 12:30 pm contest day we had 928 fans. By 3:30 pm we had 1,030 fans. Since the contest on Friday, our average daily likes has gone from 0-1 to 4-5 per day.
While part of the success was sure to stem from the marketing genius behind the idea, a good deal must be credited to the inventive and impressive costumes exhibited by the 160-person staff, showcasing such team efforts as Alice in Wonderland, The A Team, Jersey Shore (complete with spray tans), and the winner, Saturday Night Live all pictures can be seen here: http://www.postcardmania.com/chris/halloween/costumes/costumes.html.
Founder and CEO Joy Gendusa says, It really proves that our brand goes beyond businessour company culture is one of the reasons people choose us. We are hard-working, smart and know how to get the job done but we know how to have a good time, too.
Gendusa says she plans on hosting more events like this one through their social media platforms.
The proofs in the Halloween pudding.
About PostcardMania:
PostcardMania is one of the nations most effective marketing companies specializing in lead generation for small to large-sized business. They were featured on the Inc. 500 and 5,000 lists and offer complete marketing campaigns with graphic design, printing, mailing list acquisition, mailing services, website development and email marketing services all while continuing to educate clients with free marketing advice.
In a year where most marketing firms are cutting back, PostcardMania continues to grow, printing 4 million and mailing 2 million postcards each week and representing more than 40,000 customers in over 350 industries. Visit www.postcardmania.com.
Give us a call for the best price on your campaign! 1-800-628-1804