3 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Results and Avoid Direct Mail Mistakes

3 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Results and Avoid Direct Mail MistakesIn my dealings with small business owners, I have discovered something very interesting: marketing almost NEVER works for them. As you can imagine, since I own a marketing company that I grew from nothing to $20 million in revenue using postcard marketing, this comes as quite a shock to me.

It seems that, contrary to what’s been proven over and over by thousands of other business owners, marketing actually doesn’t produce new customers, leads or revenue! I hope you can sense my sarcasm.

Now, I will grant that not all marketing works for everybody. That’s a fact, too. But the truth is, marketing does work and it can work for you if you do it correctly. Here are the 3 most common reasons why marketing hasn’t worked for you:

  1. You don’t target your ideal market
  2. You don’t communicate clearly
  3. You give up

Now, please notice that they all start with “You.” There’s a reason for that. If you take care of the points above, you will have a change of heart — and revenue. The key is to find the marketing channel that works the best for your business and industry. However, if you commit the marketing sins above, even the best marketing will fall flat. That’s just the way it goes.

Okay. So let’s talk about how to avoid them. For each problem, I’ll lay out how you can solve it with postcard marketing.

Problem: You don’t target your ideal market

Solution: Purchase a targeted mailing list based on the demographics of your current best customers.

For every business there is a smaller segment of the greater population that is more likely to need, want or respond to that business’s marketing. So, say you are a lawn care company. The people most likely to respond to you are those who can afford to have someone else do the work and those who live in a free standing home. Even more specifically, you can assess your current customer list to get most common income level and home value. The key is to find who that is for your business, then purchase a mailing list of those people.

Problem: You don’t communicate clearly

Solution: Use proven copywriting and design techniques to deliver your message with clarity.

If your prospect doesn’t grasp the point of your advertisement in the first fraction of a second, you’ve lost them. That means you need to read through your copy and take out anything that would slow down the reader’s understanding of the message. Be clear and to-the-point. Then, match that text with an image that supports the message.

Read more about how to design a mail piece that works…

Problem: You give up

Solution: DON’T!

Think about postcards in terms of television commercials. Do you ever see a commercial just once? The answer is no, because even if you have, you wouldn’t remember it! Repetition is the key to establishing yourself in the mind of the prospect, building credibility and being remembered. If you aren’t committed to marketing, it just won’t work for you, so don’t bother. However, if you are committed, go ahead and plan for more business!

Once you’ve corrected these mistakes, there is nothing standing between you and a significant increase in new customers. So what are you waiting for?

For help putting together a successful marketing campaign, call my marketing experts at 1-800-628-1804.

Joy Gendusa

Joy Gendusa founded PostcardMania in 1998 with a phone, computer and no capital investment. Since then, she has grown the company into one of the nation's most effective direct mail marketing firms, specializing in postcard marketing for small to large-sized businesses. Over the years, she expanded to offer mailing list acquisition, website development, email marketing–all while continuing to educate clients with free marketing advice.

She has been named Tampa Bay CEO of the Year, Business Woman of the Year in Tampa Bay and has been featured on MSNBC's "Your Business." PostcardMania is an Inc. 500 and 5000 company and has won awards for creativity, best business practices and leadership.

If you would like to interview Joy or book her as a speaker, please email joyspeak@postcardmania.com or call 1-800-628-1804 ext. 281.

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