The Situation
Eric Bell is a championship-winning soccer coach based in Fort Worth, TX. He started an annual soccer camp, the Eric Bell Soccer Academy, in 2012 to help kids improve in areas such as technical, tactical abilities, physicality and mentality as well as give back to the local community.
He had used other direct mail services, social media and email blasts to market his soccer camp but wanted to improve his numbers, so he came to PostcardMania for help in 2018.
The Solution
Eric’s 6 x 8.5 inch postcard included the following features:
- A clear and simple message on the front of the postcard that included the dates of the soccer camp and all of the activities included
- Contact information, including Eric’s phone number, social media account, and website
- The Texas Christian University logo on the back to add credibility, setting his camp apart from competitors
In one of Eric’s direct mail marketing campaigns, he mailed 2,509 postcards to residents in the local area. He continued mailing and then did another similar campaign of 2,518 cards. They mailed 1,518 of them and 1,000 of them were passed out in other ways.
Overall, he has mailed out more than 47,000 postcards. He typically mails out the postcards seasonally before an upcoming soccer camp.
The Results
He expects to generate $63,750 from his 85 new campers!
Eric’s first mailer campaign resulted in 100 responses and he converted 85 of them. Each new soccer camp student brings in about $300 initially and $750 overall, so he generated a total of $25,500 and expects to make $63,750 over time.
Given that his investment in a single campaign was $1,315, his anticipated return on investment amounts to 4,745%!
Eric continued mailing, and his subsequent direct mail campaign of 2,518 cards resulted in another $17,000 in revenue!
“What I most enjoyed about my experience with PostcardMania was the return on investment,” Eric said. “I think they did a wonderful job of helping us target the right families for what we are trying to do, and I think the campers really enjoyed the experience. I think we’ll continue to use PostcardMania because they’ve done such a wonderful job.”
He added, “If you are a business owner who is on the fence about using PostcardMania, I definitely think the risk is worth the reward. PostcardMania will customize your mailings to definitely impact your business in a positive way.”
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other recreation and youth organizations.