Senior Care Case Study Video

The Situation

Safe & Secure Transition Home Care is an in-home assisted living service located in McLean, VA.  They were looking for an efficient way to let prospective clients in their area know about their services, so they contacted PostcardMania.

The Solution

Working together with PostcardMania’s marketing experts, they decided on a targeted direct mail marketing campaign to reach a very specific audience. To help make their message stand out from the rest of the mail they went with a larger 6” X 8.5” card.

Their postcard design included:

  • Free offer for a caring consultation and home safety check.
  • Two 5-star reviews from clients, which build social credibility.
  • Bulleted list of services and benefits.

Because in-home assisted living care can be expensive, they needed to target households that could afford their services.  With the help of their marketing consultant, they purchased a super targeted mailing list. Their list focused on specific zip codes they serve and specific demographics to get their postcard in front of those who would be interested in their services.

So far, they have completed two mailings the first one was 3,000 postcards followed by an addition all 500 to addresses from the same list.  They are only halfway through their campaign and have another 3,500 cards scheduled to send out.

The Results

New client with lifetime value of $300,000-400,000!

As a result of their mailings to date, they have signed up one new client.  The annual revenue for one client is $60,000-$100,000. Their average client stays with them for 3-4 years with an average lifetime value of $300,000-$400,000.

This is a projected lifetime ROI of 5,958% and they aren’t done with their campaign!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other senior care services!

CSID: 41714