Restaurant Case Study Video

The Situation

Pepper’s Landing, a locally owned seafood restaurant in Brunswick, Maine. They were looking for a way to let nearby residents know about their location, so they contacted PostcardMania for help.

The Solution

They decided on a postcard marketing campaign that sent out a one-time blast of 5,500 cards to houses around their business. Their card featured pictures of their cuisine, a common item in other successful restaurant direct mail campaigns.

Pepper’s Landing’s postcard design included:

  • An offer for a $5 off
  • Three 5-star reviews from previous customers
  • A short paragraph describing their range of seafood options

Another major reason for their success was targeting the right audience.  Since most people go to restaurants, they focused their marketing efforts on sending postcards to homes around their business that are close enough to consider coming.

The Results

125 new customers!

Pepper’s Landing had over 125 customers come and redeem the coupon on their postcard! This generated approximately $3,254!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other restaurants!

CSID: 37029