The Situation
Renaissance Shooting Club is a shooting range in Brenham, Texas that first opened their doors in 2016. The owner was part of a competitive shooting team that supported veterans and they needed more space, so Adam Collette built a gun range and started his business, a member-only gun range.
For the first 5 years of operation, they relied on social media, but their online marketing was not paying off. Then the pandemic and an ammunition shortage hit and memberships dropped from 375 to 300, and Adam knew he needed an effective marketing strategy. That’s when he called PostcardMania to learn more about direct mail marketing.
The Solution
After consulting with the marketing consultants at PostcardMania, Renaissance Shooting Club decided to launch a direct mail marketing campaign.
Their postcard design included:
- A headline that immediately communicates their message
- An offer for 50% off initiation fees
- Two 5-star reviews that establish credibility
As part of the campaign set-up, Renaissance Shooting Club discussed in detail the characteristics of their ideal member, which helped them choose the correct distribution method for their mailers. As a gun range in a state where nearly 1 in 2 adults are registered gun owners (World Population Review reports 45.7% of adults in Texas are gun owners), using Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) to deliver their flyers made sense.
They were able to choose specific mail routes within 8 miles of their business and sent out 6,000 pieces of bulk mail.
The Results
103 people signed up for memberships!
From their first campaign they had 103 people sign up for memberships! Each membership gains them on average $400, therefore generating their business $41,200!
Having invested $2,246.26 (EDDM postage included) into their postcard printing and mailing, Renaissance Shooting Club had an impressive 1,598% ROI!
Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other Recreation or Entertainment businesses!