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Real Estate Investment Case Study Video

The Situation

Mark Motes started his real estate investment business, Mark Buys Houses, with his stepson Cas Ballard in 2012 in Hoover, AL. He wanted to leave his former full-time job and be his own boss. At first, they tried email blasts, text blasts, cold calling, and signage for their marketing, but they didn’t bring in consistent results. Mark looked into direct mail because someone recommended PostcardMania to him as a way to increase leads and revenue.



The Solution

PostcardMania designed a 6 x 8.5 inch postcard for them that included the following features:

  • A large, bold headline on the front of the card that gets the message across quickly to prospects
  • A positive five-star review from a happy client
  • A photo of Mark which personalizes the card and increases trust with the prospect
  • A list of unique benefits that sets them apart from other realtors

Mark and Cas decided to target website visitors through PostcardMania’s service Website to Mailbox because they didn’t want to be involved in the mailing schedule and wanted a marketing plan that was automatic and didn’t require extra effort on their parts.

Any person who visited his website received the postcard within 24 hours. This strategy helped remind individuals interested in using Mark’s services to call him. The postcard also included an offer of $500 off a referral fee to encourage them to call.

The Results

They got one new client and made $70,000 in revenue!

As a result, Mark Buys Houses heard from 2 people and they converted one of them! The new client ended up bringing in $70,000 in revenue. His upfront investment was very low since he only mailed a postcard to website visitors, which amounted to a total of 111 people. This cost him $647, so his return on investment amounted to 10,710%!

Mark and Cas were very happy with their results. What they loved the most about Website to Mailbox was that they could put their campaign on autopilot. Cas said, “My favorite aspect of using the Website to Mailbox solution is that I didn’t have to do anything extra. I didn’t have to put in extra work, and it helped me to maximize my time in the best way possible.”

Mark added, “I would tell another business owner to at least give direct mail a try. Stay consistent in your marketing and continue to mail out postcards because that will help you see results.”

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other real estate professionals.

CSID: 47577