The postcard design featured two options for prospects to consider. One option had a checkbox labelled “Wasted Time and Money” and was illustrated by a woman leaning over in pain. Option 2 was labelled “Effective Musculoskeletal Treatment” and its checkbox had a check in it. Option 2 was illustrated by the same woman standing and laughing with her friends. The headline at the top simple stated, “The Choice Is Yours.” The contrast of the two options made the choice clear and made for a compelling marketing message.

Physical Therapy Case Study Video

The Situation

Reddy-Care Physical Therapy is a busy physical therapy facility. They know they need marketing to continue to grow their business, but they don’t have the time to put together direct mail campaigns on their own. Know the feeling? They consulted with our marketing experts to find out how they could get their marketing out to prospects without taxing their already-busy staff.

The Solution

The solution to their predicament was a simple one. They needed to outsource their marketing and let a professional handle the whole thing for them. That’s what our marketing staff offered to do for them. They couldn’t have been happier with how easy it was for them to send out their postcard marketing campaigns. They simply told us what they wanted to promote (special services or unique benefits they offer). Then, our design experts created a postcard based on data from our previously successful physical therapy campaigns; our list experts chose the right mailing list; and our mailing team got the postcards to the right mailboxes. The only thing they had to do was approve each step of the process as we went along. They were kept in the loop the whole time and were able to request modifications at any stage in the process.

The Results

Using PostcardMania, we get lead generation without any of the hassle.

Besides the great lead generation that postcards delivered for them, being a PostcardMania customer has given Reddy-Care other benefits as well. They loved the marketing education and advice they received, especially at our Client Appreciation Events. They enjoyed a weekend filled with both fun social events and marketing seminars to teach them all the different ways they could engage with prospects and grow their business. They learned about Google Pay Per Click ads, DirectMaill2.0 and many more. These events helped them to build their understanding of small business marketing, which allowed them to continue to improve their marketing results.

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