Painting Case Study Video

The Situation

Walls By Design is a painting contractor located just outside of Denver, CO in Highlands Ranch. Owner Nick May wanted to promote his business, but he wasnt sold on direct mail postcards until he came to the Small Business Owners Growth Summit at PostcardMania headquarters.

The Solution

Nick decided to try sending postcards out to 2,500 homes (valued between $400,000 and $800,000) to the surrounding community. After hitting that mailing listtwice, he had generated $25,000 in new jobs.

After that, he was convinced and continues to regularly market his business with postcards!

Heres why he gets such a good response:

  • Consistent mailings keep Walls by Design at the top of their prospects minds
  • The offeron their postcards, when they paint your kitchen cabinets theyll paint your master bathroom cabinets FREE! Strikes the perfect balance of being extremely valuable to the prospect but affordable for the company

The Results

640% return on investment!

So far, Walls by Design has spent $9,000 on their postcard campaign and generated $66,000 in jobs! Owner Nick says he knows that number will continue to grow, because the people who receive his postcard arent always ready to act right away, so they hold onto the card and call when they are!

A lot of people are satisfied with just staying busy, Nick says. We always have to be marketing because I believe that an organization is either growing or its dying. And so postcards have definitely become an integral part of our marketing.

CSID: 3831