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The Situation

Spitfire Comedy House in St Petersburg, FL main goal in the beginning was to generate enough revenue to keep the doors open! They mostly did free marketing, handing out flyers and inviting people via word of mouth. However, when the pandemic hit, this source of social advertising ran out, and they needed another solution. That’s when they decided to contacted the marketing gurus at PostcardMania for help.

The Solution

After speaking with their dedicated marketing consultant at PostcardMania they came up with a direct mail marketing campaign and put it into action.

Spitfire Comedy House’s postcard design included:

  • Easy to read headline that gets their message across.
  • Photos of their performs and shows in action.
  • Easy to find contact information.

They did a multiprong attack when it came to mailing their postcards. They chose to blanket surrounding neighborhoods utilizing Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). They picked USPS routes around their location and had postcards delivered to every mailbox on those routes.  They also came up with a super targeted mailing list to get their postcard in front of their ideal audience, i.e. households with a presence of children, household income $30,000+ and individuals between the ages or 20-60.

What also contributed to their success was consistent mailings.  They do seasonal campaigns and send out 3,000 postcards over the course of a month.

The Results

About $12,000 in revenue so far for the year!

This year they have had 1,400 first time customers come to their shows.  People who come to their shows typically come back every couple of months to see another show.

The postcard marketing has increased Spitfire Comedy House’s ticket sales by 20-25% when they consistently mail. With the revenue generated this year Spitfire has been able to add three more shows to their line up and pay all their comics.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating direct mail marketing campaigns!

CSID: 41742