Landscaping Case Study Video

The Situation

Bill Farrand grew up in the landscaping business in Cocksackie, NY and decided to go off on his own in 2022. His first goal was getting his business name, Farrand’s Landscaping, established in the area since not a lot of people knew about it, and also making revenue.

What he enjoys most about working in the landscaping industry is hearing from clients that they love what Farrand’s Landscaping was able to do for them.

Bill decided to reach out to PostcardMania for his marketing because he had decent results with direct mail in the past.

The Solution

Since Farrand’s Landscaping’s services operate on a seasonal basis, their postcard designs focused on the changing seasons. The fall design included an ad for leaf clean-up and removal and included an offer of $100 for the service. The back of the card had 3 positive reviews from satisfied customers and a list of benefits of choosing to work with them.

The winter postcard design also included an offer to entice prospects to call. It advertised a prepay discount for signing up and 2 positive reviews on the back of the card as well as a list of benefits of hiring someone to shovel snow for them and maintain the safety and beauty of the home in the wintertime.

Farrand’s Landscaping mailed 6,400 postcards using an Every Door Direct Mail list that targeted homeowners in the local area. The fall postcard design went out in a mailing size of 3,200 cards in October, and the winter postcard design went out in a mailing size of 3,200 cards in November.

The Results

They generated 57 new clients and $23,300 in revenue!

Bill said that after they started marketing with PostcardMania, the phones started ringing and they haven’t stopped. He said, “We started turning down jobs because of how busy we have been – we got booked for the whole summer!”

Bill added that the postcards have created a steady stream of revenue for them. His most recent campaign resulted in 270 responses and he converted 57 of them to new clients. Since the average amount of revenue each client brings in is $400-$500, he generated $23,300 from postcards.

Bill’s investment was $5,570, so he made back that money and much more! His return on investment amounted to 318%.

Overall, Bill has been very happy with the results he has received with direct mail marketing at PostcardMania. He said, “Our campaign was successful because PostcardMania did an amazing job setting them up. The artwork was amazing. I had several customers come out with the postcards in hand. I can’t wait to see what success is going to come next!”

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for landscaping companies.

CSID: 49290