The Situation

Vicky Y. Chen Insurance Agency in Diamond Bar, CA was looking to drum up more clients for their business, so they called PostcardMania for help.

The Solution

Their PostcardMania consultant, who had personally overseen more than 600 insurance marketing campaigns, helped the agency come up with a cost-effective marketing strategy: door hangers.

Heres why the design was successful:

  • The clever but simple design conveys their message quickly and efficiently
  • A photo of the agent helps establish a sense of familiarity and trust
  • A super-valuable offer a free quote AND a gift card! entices prospects to call

The insurance agency delivered the door hangers to 3,500 households in their service area.

The Results

15 new customers, generating $22,500 in revenue!

After distributing 3,500 door hangers, the insurance agency generated 15 new customers, each bringing in an average of $1,500 in revenue for a total of $22,500 a 2,701% return on investment!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other insurance agencies!

CSID: 3774