The Situation

Located in Northwest Indiana, Pinnacle Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency providing homeowners, automobile, personal and business insurance to clients in the Chicagoland region and across the country. They called PostcardMania for help attracting new clients to their agency

The Solution

After helping more than 4,650 insurance providers market their businesses, our marketing consultants recommended a cost-effective and results-based postcard campaign for Pinnacle Insurance Group.

Heres why this postcard worked so well:

  • The headline not only announces what they offer, it also provides hard, provable numbers and credibility (theyve been in business since 1942!)
  • The sophisticated design, photos and color scheme tell the recipient right away that they offer insurance for luxury items
  • The back of the postcard is simple and not too crowded and includes their contact information in bold type, making it easy for potential clients to reach them

To maximize postage savings, our experts recommended Pinnacle Insurance Group mail the postcards via Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM), which means their card will go to every mailbox on a chosen postal route. Because the Postal Service has less sorting to do with EDDM, they offer discounted postage to the sender!

The insurance group sent out about 1,000 postcards per month for several months.

The Results

$6,000 a month in premiums!

Pinnacle Insurance Group sent out about 1,000 postcards a month, each time generating 15-20 calls. Of those calls, they were able to convert or renew 4-5 customers each month, which generated $6,000 a month in premiums!

CSID: 3772