The postcard used a deep red background to give the card an elegant visual appeal. They featured an image of the upscale restaurant where their seminar was held. The copy invited the postcard recipients to attend their complimentary retirement planning seminar. That would be an enticing offer for anyone, but it was especially effective with their targeted audience.

Financial Services Case Study Video

The Situation

Retirement First is the only retirement seminar center in the country. However, although they may not have any direct competitors, they are still competing for the same prospects as those in similar industries, like financial planners. They tried a few different marketing strategies, but they just kept falling a little bit flat. They wanted more from their results, so they consulted with our marketing consultants to find out if postcard marketing was the solution to their marketing problems.

The Solution

After talking about the marketing potential that postcards offered a business like theirs, the folks at Retirement First decided to give it a shot. They liked what happened next. For their particular business, they don’t need a huge response to make a killing from their marketing. Just 1 appointment would cover their campaigns cost (and then some!). They spend around $3,000 on their postcard marketing, and rolling over a 401K of $100,000 yields them over 3x that amount (around $10,000). Once they found out that postcards were delivering enough leads to give them huge profits, they made it a staple in their business. They hold seminars every month, and they always fill those seminars by sending out their 5,000 postcards to a targeted mailing list depending on which kinds of prospects they want to target for each seminar.

The Results

We close 4-5 appointments, and only 1 pays for our marketing and then some!

If only 1 closed appointment brings a big return on investment, their response rate doesn’t need to be big at all. They make a huge profit on less than 1% responding… “We send out 5,000 seminar mailers. That usually fills the room with 35-40 people, and out of that we usually close 4 to 5 appointments. And the return on investment is huge!” Postcard marketing gets you quality responses, so your return makes it all worthwhile.

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