Transitions Dental chose a postcard design that used a black and gold color scheme, which gives their company a elegant and luxurious look. They fill the bottom third of the postcards front side with three special offers. This makes the prospective patients feel that they are getting luxurious dental care that is also inexpensive, which compels them to make an appointment.
The Situation
Transitions Dental Company is a dental management company with several offices located across the state of Indiana. Their headquarters are located in West Lafayette, Indiana.
The Solution
Dental Postcard Design Printed 15,000 4.25 x 6 postcards promoting their location, including:
- A Clear, Bold Headline
- Images that Support the Message
- Compelling Offers
- Clear Call-to-Action
- Contact Information
Mailing List For this campaign, they sent to residents within 2 zip codes.
Mailing Schedule On average, they mail 5,000 to 10,000 postcards every month.
The Results
We simply wanted to increase our patient base...
Direct mail has affected our company in a positive way per mailing, every month last year we would get 35 new patients, this year its gone up to 50 to 100 new patients per month per practice. PostcardMania is different because you are physically giving patients a card in the mail and you can directly target them with different demographics…doing searches on income and families has really helped our company with getting new patients in the door.