Dental Services Case Study Video

The Situation

Coastal Dental is a successful dental office based in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. Their office wanted to increase the amount of new patients and revenue during COVID-19, so they contacted PostcardMania’s marketing services for further assistance.

The Solution

Design: The card includes:

  • Clean copy and design, making the card easy to read.
  • An image of Dr. Joseph Zicchino in his dental office, reinforcing the practice’s focus on providing quality care for local residents.
  • A note about emergency services during COVID-19 to let the recipient know they are open.
  • A testimonial/review from a patient to increase recipient trust in the dental practice.
  • Multiple offers on the card for new patient specials, giving the recipient more incentive to respond to the postcard.

Mailing List: Every Door Direct Mail postcard marketing campaign that targeted a list of residents in the same zip code as the dental service.

The Results

…they made $20,000 in revenue, which has already paid for the campaign and then some!

Coastal Dental received 23 responses, 11 of which were from the postcards. All 11 respondents converted into new patients. So far, Coastal Dental made $20,000, which has already paid for the campaign and then some! This is an impressive result considering the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses. Their patients stay with them for about 6 years and spend on average just under $26,000 over that time period.

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your business? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dental offices!

CSID: 31582