Dental Services Case Study Video

The Situation

When Dr. Seth Hall purchased an established family practice, Hall Family Dentistry, in September 2014, his new patient numbers were, as he puts it, dismal he was only seeing 5-7 new patients per month, all from referrals. The marketing agency Dr. Hall was working with encouraged him to try dentist postcards for new patient acquisition. The doctor was skeptical, but agreed to mail a small number of cards. When he saw what just a few postcards could do, he knew he wanted to send more so he reached out to PostcardMania, the postcard marketing experts.

The Solution

Dr. Halls PostcardMania marketing consultant had already assisted more than 400 dental practices with their direct mail campaigns, so she knew exactly what kind of postcard generates the most leads for dentists.

Heres why the design was successful:

  • The headline and blue and white color scheme immediately tells recipients this is a DENTAL postcard
  • A patient testimonial creates a sense of trust
  • The photo of Dr. Hall with his dog makes prospective patients feel more familiar and comfortable with him
  • Three valuable offers give recipients incentive to try out a new dental office with very little risk

The doctor started out by mailing 5,000 postcards per month to households surrounding his practice. As more new patients came in, he expanded his campaign to 20,000 per month, then 45,000!

The Results

We dont have any place to put more people right now, so were just working longer hours. Its a good problem to have!

The more postcards Dr. Hall mailed out, the more new patients Hall Family Dentistry had coming in. Within a year of starting his campaign, the doctors monthly new patient count jumped 156%! The doctor has had to increase his hours to accommodate them all!

Interested in doing a similar campaign for your dental practice? Call us and we will get you connected with a marketing consultant who has experience creating campaigns for other dentists!

CSID: 3681